The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has revealed in its latest report a grim reality for Argentina’s National Defense. According to the data collected, the year 2023 marked a new negative record, as the lowest percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in history was allocated to the budget of the Argentine Armed Forces, representing its lowest historical number to date.


Despite the global military expenditure increasing by 6.8% in 2023—the highest year-on-year increase since 2009—reaching an unprecedented level of $2.43 trillion, Argentina stands in stark contrast to this upward global trend.

According to SIPRI, in 2023, defense investment in the country barely reached $2,859.2 million, representing a meager 0.47% of Argentina’s GDP, establishing a historical low in budgetary terms for the military forces.

Own statement based on information from SIPRI

This figure contrasts drastically with the percentages recorded in the last ten years, where military spending ranged between 0.63% and 0.88% of GDP, highlighting a progressive deterioration in the allocation of funds for this sector.

Argentina in the Region
Regarding the region, Argentina remains as one of the countries that allocates the least to military equipment within South America, according to the 2023 data provided by SIPRI:

Own statement based on information from SIPRI

The numbers reveal that Argentina, with only 0.47% of its GDP allocated to military spending, ranks among the nations that invest the least in equipment and defense within the South American context. In contrast, countries like Colombia (2.87%) and Ecuador (2.30%) lead the investment in defense in the region.

This situation of chronic underfunding has generated profound consequences in the normal development of activities of the Argentine military instrument. The lack of funds has prevented the implementation of rearmament programs and the acquisition of essential military equipment, exposing an alarming reality regarding the budget allocated to National Defense for 2023.

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