During the last few days, certain information on social media has raised the alarming news that the Argentine Air Force intends to definitively retire the A-4AR Fightinghawk attack aircraft following the acquisition of F-16 AM/BM Fighting Falcon fighters from Denmark. However, various sources close to Zona Militar assure that the initial project to recover the A-4AR fleet maintains a promising outlook for the future despite its age in the institution.

A-4AR Fightinghawk

It is worth noting that since the beginning of the previous administration in Defense, there has been an intention to modernize the A-4AR weapon systems, even proposing to increase the operational units to a total of twelve. Although this was not achieved in four years of management, and only half a dozen operational units were maintained, in some cases with certain difficulties in achieving full operational capability due to budget/material issues; at the beginning of last year, the Logistic Cycle Recovery of the system was still being hopefully pursued, as it was the only aircraft in service designed to fulfill the roles of fighter and attack.

It is logical to think that, since the incorporation of supersonic fighters would provide the Argentine Air Force with a superior capability in comparative terms, the operational units of the A-4AR would be definitively retired after their acquisition in the 1990s.

However, as mentioned to Zona Militar, it is assured that the system could operate alongside the F-16 Fighting Falcon, following the beginning of its incorporation in 2025. Just a few days ago, we reported on the solicitation for the purchase of materials intended for the A-4AR Fightinghawk: in this regard, more than 100 elements and supplies are expected to be used for the Logistic Cycle Recovery of the systems established in BAPIN 107796.

Due to the maintenance and sustainment of the A-4AR weapon system during the current administration, it is expected to reach a dozen operational aircraft, which will work in conjunction with the future Argentine F-16 AM/BM fighters.

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