The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China has deployed a Type 075 amphibious assault ship for the first time in the Nansha Qundao (also known as the Spratly Islands) in the South China Sea. Thanks to a series of satellite images circulating in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), its location near Zhubi Reef, close to the Spratly Islands, was confirmed on Friday, June 14.

Its mission is part of a broader deployment of Chinese and Filipino forces on the islands and reefs in Xianbin Jiao, which has led to incidents. Some suggest that the deployment of the amphibious ship, and a hovercraft in the preceding days, was due to the hostilities between China and the Philippines. However, it is noteworthy that this would be the first deployment of a ship of this size and capabilities in the Spratly Islands, thus marking its presence in a constantly disputed area.

Historically, China has claimed a significant portion of the South China Sea, where the mentioned reefs are located, as has the Philippines. This has led to yearly encounters between the Coast Guard and Navy ships of both countries, often resulting in accidents and dangerous maneuvers. The presence of the LHD is yet another demonstration of the Asian giant’s intimidation and power projection in the region.

The mentioned ship is the second unit built in the family of Type 075 amphibious assault ships of the Chinese Navy. With 30,000 tons and named Guangxi, it features a full-length flight deck for helicopter operations and a well deck that allows for the deployment of hovercraft and armored amphibious assault vehicles.

The first Type 075 amphibious assault ship of the Chinese Navy was the Hainan 31, first showcased in April 2021. It can transport nearly an entire Chinese Marine Corps force, with identical features to the new Guangxi. The Hainan 31 was first seen sailing the Pacific Ocean in March 2023, participating in an offshore training mission alongside other Navy ships. Meanwhile, the latest images available on social media mostly show the fourth ship of this type, located at the Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard, detailing the finalization work.

Unofficial reports indicate that the PLAN plans to incorporate eight ships of the Type 075 class. So far, China already has three units of this class, with the first commissioned in 2021 and first deployed in 2023. Corresponding to this, exercises have been conducted to prepare the vessel for combat and amphibious landing situations for humanitarian assistance and counter-terrorism.

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