Having gone through five days of intense activity, the Eurosatory defense and security exhibition finally concluded its 2024 edition. Over the course of a week, the global defense industry not only showcased its latest developments and products in land and air systems, as well as services, at the Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Center but also addressed various issues pertinent to the present and future of an ever-evolving sector.

Key highlights of Eurosatory 2024 revolved around the development and upgrade of combat vehicles of all types, with tanks, IFVs, and self-propelled artillery at the forefront. Notably, the exhibition saw a significant number of proposals in the field of anti-aircraft defense, initiatives directly influenced by current combat experiences in ongoing conflicts.

Despite some analysts questioning the relevance of armored vehicles in modern conflicts, the industry persists in developing and proposing solutions to address new and future threats. This was evident in the array of tanks displayed at Eurosatory, ranging from operational models to those in testing phases or as conceptual proposals.

Another dominant sector at the event was unmanned vehicles, encompassing ground, aerial, and naval systems. The industry recognizes the growing importance of these systems and aims to expand and standardize their use across all domains. Eurosatory featured everything from small observation and attack drones to high-performance ISR/attack platforms.

With several conflicts ongoing and numerous potential flashpoints emerging in the medium term, various representatives consulted by Zona Militar agreed that this context not only signifies high current demand but also forecasts an expansion that could continue for at least a decade. Some exhibitors also highlighted current production levels, which sometimes struggle to keep pace or are used to build stocks needed in the very short term.

The demand for weaponry, ammunition, components, raw materials, and services is likely at its highest in decades, making Eurosatory a crucial platform for the defense industry to establish communication and cooperation channels among its stakeholders. The event serves not only as a product showcase but also as a pivotal hub for fostering commercial relationships.

In terms of Armed Forces representation, notable participants included the French Army, showcasing their main land and air combat assets such as the Tiger attack helicopter and the NH90 transport helicopter.

The United States Army also made a significant presence with displays including the M142 HIMARS, the Stryker M-SHORAD anti-aircraft defense vehicle, the AH-64E Apache attack helicopter, and their range of combat armored vehicles.

In upcoming news, we will continue to delve into the materials and proposals from various companies present at the exhibition.

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