The intelligence organizations of some western countries especially the U.S ,  are trying to get more details about the Iranian Hypersonic missile. The main concern it that the new close cooperation with Russia resulted in an accelerated development of this missile.

Israel is getting ready for the new threat but most of the details are highly classified. The only fact that was released is that Israeli company Rafael is developing the Sky Sonic that will be capable of intercepting hypersonic missiles.

The Iranian FATTAH Hypersonic ballistic missile was presented by the IRGC of Iran on June 6, 2023. The missile has some distinct qualities and according to Israel senior experts is at this stage a basic hypersonic missile.

According to Tal Inbar an Israeli senior defence analyst the missile diameter is about 1 meter. The missile according to Inbar is about 15.3 m long.

The expert added that the missile has a Takeoff weight of appr  12 tons, including nearly  9-ton of propellants. The Israeli expert said that the reentry vehicle (RV) weighs 1 ton and the warhead 350 to 450 Kg. The missile uses a guidance and navigation systems based on INU and GNSS (GPS & GLONASS). The Assessed CEP accuracy – 10 to 25 m Warhead – HE F. The missile’s first stage is based on (or identical to) the Khaibar Shekan missile.

The Reentry Vehicle (RV) has a sturdy rocket motor similar to the kick motor used in satellite launchers, the Arash-24. An electrically steerable nozzle is part of this motor .

For controlling the missile throughout the boost and reentry phases of flight, the RV includes four steering fins.

First phase -Burnout, rocket motor boost, and separation of the RV from the first stage.

Second stage: Ballistic flight (depressed), followed by the ignition of the RV’s sustainer while it is beyond the atmosphere. Then, after completing 3D maneuvers, make a pull-up reentry into the atmosphere using the same 4 fins .

Third phase: Pitch down maneuver with the four fins and, depending on range, the sustainer continuing to burn up to the target in a planned approach angle

The sustainer of the RV has a long burn time. It starts to burn out of the atmosphere and continue till near impact.

Long burn rocket motor is effective in such an application. Flying at small gamma angle minimize gravity losses.

The missile is approaching the target in a steep angle and does not create a significant wake – an indication for a supersonic speed only near impact.

The cooperation between Russia and Iran that is mainly reflected by the supply of a huge number of Iranian made armed drones to Russia has been enhanced to other types of weapons development.

Hypersonic missiles encompass a new family of threats, including hypersonic atmospheric cruise missiles, gliders, and cruisers that travel at incredible speeds while maintaining exceptional accuracy and maneuverability. Unlike ballistic missiles, hypersonic missiles have the ability to change their course mid-flight. Consequently, a successful defense against hypersonic threats requires a multifaceted approach that involves not only countering their speed but also effectively tracking, detecting, and intercepting their unpredictable flight paths.

During the war in Ukraine Russia claimed it  used a Hypersonic missile. According to this report the Russian airforce launched this type of missile, the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal from a Mig 31 K fighter aircraft.

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