Within the framework of the process for incorporating the future F-16A/B MLU fighters, the Argentine Air Force aims to advance in the recovery and adaptation of facilities to operate the new weapons system. One of the latest updates in this regard was communicated today, June 24, with the tender for the construction of a Training Center at the VI Air Brigade, located in Tandil, Buenos Aires province. This unit will be the future base for the new Fighting Falcons.

The incorporation of the 24 F-16 MLU acquired from Denmark requires significant efforts. One of these is the upgrade of the facilities from which they will operate and be supported. Specifically, the aforementioned VI Air Brigade located in the city of Tandil, Buenos Aires, as well as the Río Cuarto Material Area in Córdoba.

As indicated by the Head of the F-16 Program of the Argentine Air Force, Vice Commodore Juan Manuel Sosa, accompanied by Vice Commodore Cristian Darío Giaccaglia, in his capacity as Head of Implementation Management, in one of the recent meetings of the National Defense Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress, they mentioned these issues. More in detail, they pointed out that: “… regardless of the selection of one or other proposals, the investment and enhancement of the facilities had to be carried out to accommodate any weapons system regardless of its origin, since the building infrastructure dates from the 1960s,” referring to the VI Air Brigade in Tandil and support units such as AMACUAR.

According to today’s report through a publication in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic, it details that the Argentine Air Force will begin a tender process for the construction of a new Training Center at the VI Brigade, starting the proposal reception process on June 24 and closing on August 16. The investment amount indicated reaches $3,365,045,945.00.

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