After the Joint Sword 2024 exercise by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army forces, authorities in Taiwan have reported sustained operations by Chinese Air Force fighters last week. Earlier this week, Taiwan communicated that 23 aircraft and 7 ships were detected operating around the island, with a significant highlight that 19 of the aircraft crossed the Taiwan Strait’s Median Line from various directions of the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

In this regard, since June 18, Taipei has detected a significant number of air and naval assets operating in the vicinity of the island. Authorities significantly mention that since then the number has remained higher than in recent years.

It’s noteworthy that on July 22nd, Taiwan plans to conduct a military exercise named Han Kuang, simulating real combat scenarios in response to China’s military advancements and current situations.

Additionally, last week, a Type 094 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) of the Jin-class, belonging to the PLA Navy, was also detected surfacing in the Taiwan Strait.

According to the Global Times, the intensified military exercises and patrols by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army coincide with the recent approval by the United States to sell 720 Switchblade 300 and ALTIUS 600M-V loitering munitions, along with related equipment and training manuals, to the Taiwanese Army.

A spokesperson from China stated that these exercises are part of the PLA’s routine practices aimed at deterring Taiwan from aligning with foreign forces and enhancing combat readiness.

*Images used for illustrative purposes.

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