With a series of photographs disseminated in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) sources in recent days, it was observed for the first time a H-6K bomber of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) carrying a 2PZD-21 (KD-21) ALBM hypersonic missile, as it landed at a location and airbase yet to be identified.

The images circulated on the Weibo platform surprised internet users and specialists alike, as they appear to be the first clear images showing H-6K bombers carrying this new class of ballistic missiles. Earlier this year, a propaganda video showed the bomber participating in exercises, releasing bombs and missiles. However, what caught the most attention was the apparent launch of a new hypersonic missile by the aircraft, presumed to be the aforementioned 2PZD-21.

According to the OSINT community of specialists, there was debate whether this was a new development by the Chinese Armed Forces or a previously unveiled missile. Nonetheless, it underscored the H-6K bomber’s new capability as a platform for launching various types of cruise, anti-ship, and ballistic missiles. At the China Air Show 2022, a H-6 bomber arrived in Zhuhai with one of these missiles visibly under its wing, labeled as 2PZD-21.

Since then, other designations such as ‘KD-21’ or ‘YJ-21′ have appeared in various sources, though details remain sparse, other than speculations that it could resemble the capabilities, functions, and design of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ Kinzhal.

Similar to the Kinzhal, which is based on the Iskander family of ballistic missiles, the Chinese 2PZD-21 may be derived from ground-launched missile systems like the CM-401. Its primary function is targeting naval objectives, but reports also mention its ability to strike ground targets, with a terminal velocity ranging between Mach 4 and 6.

China’s demonstration of advanced and cutting-edge Air Force capabilities indicates a strategic approach towards competing with Western counterparts. It remains unclear how many H-6K bombers are equipped with these missiles, or if they are currently undergoing initial testing with these systems.”

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