Despite their announced retirement, the U.S. Air Force’s A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft continue to...
Despite the impending retirement of the A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft, these renowned attack planes, also known as Warthogs, continue to demonstrate their effectiveness. One...
The Israeli Air Force destroyed dozens of Syrian combat aircraft and helicopters
In a series of coordinated strikes following the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) confirmed the destruction of Syrian military...
A drone reveals that Russia still maintains a considerable presence of combat aircraft at...
A recent video captured by a drone from the Syria TV channel shows that Russia still maintains dozens of combat aircraft at the Khmeimim...
For its support against Ukraine, Russia would transfer MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters to the...
To reward its support against Ukraine, Russia is reportedly outlining a potential transfer of MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters to the North Korean Air Force,...
Taiwan has completed the production of the new Wan Chien cruise missiles for its...
According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense, the mass production of Wan Chien cruise missiles is set to conclude by the end of this month....
One of the Su-57 fighters of the Russian Aerospace Forces has been equipped with...
While United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) focuses on ramping up Su-57 production for the Russian Aerospace Forces, efforts to refine Russia's most advanced fighter jet...
For $266.4 million, the U.S. has authorized a new support package for the Ukrainian...
The U.S. government has authorized the potential sale of a new support package for the Ukrainian Air Force's F-16 fighter jets, amounting to an...
With the arrival of more F-35As from the United States, the Danish Air Force...
Last week, a new batch of four F-35A fighters arrived in the hands of the Danish Air Force from the United States, enabling the...