With the deployment of its patrol boats, the Argentine Navy carried out a naval...
In the waters of the Beagle Channel, the Argentine Navy carried out a naval training and coastal reconnaissance exercise with the deployment of units...
After concluding its maintenance works at the Rio Santiago Shipyard, the training ship Américo...
Yesterday afternoon, the Training Ship of the Italian Navy "Amerigo Vespucci" arrived at the Naval Base Buenos Aires, where it will remain until March...
The Argentine Marine Infantry Battalion N°4 conducted training activities with amphibious wheeled vehicles in...
Taking place along the coast of the Beagle Channel, personnel from the Argentine Marine Infantry Battalion No. 4 (BIM4) based at the Ushuaia Naval...
The Argentine Air Force puts its fifth SA315B Lama helicopter into service
In the process of consolidating the tuning and operability of its high mountain helicopters SA315B Lama, the Argentine Air Force confirmed the commissioning of...
The Argentine Air Force achieved a total of 31,364 flight hours during 2023
The publication of a new Executive Summary corresponding to the last quarter of 2023 revealed that the Argentine Air Force managed to accumulate 31,364...
Amphibious Assault Ships of the Italian Navy: a possibility to recover the amphibious transport...
In recent years, the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) has been undergoing a significant naval unit renewal program aimed at replacing various types of ships....
The Argentine Navy´s corvette ARA Espora completed a series of training exercises in preparation...
The corvette ARA Espora of the Argentine Navy, under the command of Frigate Captain José Luis Cides, set sail from the docks of the...
The aircraft of the Presidential Air Fleet will be transferred to the Argentine Air...
Yesterday, through information that began circulating on social media, following a retweet by the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, news emerged that the...