Super Etendard: New difficulties for their return as the Argentine Navy awaits the arrival...

As efforts continue to restore the availability of naval aviation assets, the Argentine Navy is pushing forward with the project to recover the Super...

Advance – These are the ships, submarines and aircrafts of the navies of Argentina...

With the start of the Fraterno Combined Exercise in the Argentine Sea, the navies of Argentina and Brazil have deployed several surface units, aircraft,...

Airbus Helicopters continues to propose the AS365 N3 Dauphin as the Argentine Navy’s shipborne...

As part of its initiatives to address regional needs, Airbus Helicopters continues to collaborate with various Latin American countries to provide solutions for each...

Airbus Helicopters proposes the H145 to the Argentine Army as a replacement for the...

In a recent interview with Zona Militar, Pierre-Marie Gout, General Manager of Airbus Helicopters South Cone, provided details about the company's initiatives to address...

At the end of the first quarter, the Argentine Armed Forces executed more than...

As reported in the Physical Financial Execution document, the Argentine Armed Forces have executed more than 35% of the current credit for enlistment and...

Coverage – The Brazilian and Uruguayan Marine Corps conducted landing and beachhead consolidation operations...

Continuing the schedule of combined activities for Exercise ACRUX XI, the focus of the drills conducted by the Navies of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay...

Coverage – The Marine Infantries of the navies of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay conducted...

Continuing the coverage of the ACRUX XI Exercise on the Paraná River, Zona Militar reports on the activities conducted by the navies of Argentina,...

The future of Naval Aviation in the Argentine Navy: the importance of incorporating new...

Since its inception in 1916, Naval Aviation has been one of the most relevant and disruptive components of the Argentine Navy. With a long...