After the F-16 – The Argentine Navy still seeks and analyzes alternatives to incorporate...

Amidst the surge of optimism sparked by the acquisition of the F-16 Fighting Falcon jets for the Argentine Air Force, the Armed Forces align...

After the F-16 – Awaiting a decision in the acquisition project of new VCBR...

With the purchase of F-16 fighters for the Argentine Air Force finalized, another long-awaited equipment upgrade program needing definition is the delayed acquisition of...

The Brazilian Marine Corps conducted aerial assault exercises with the U.S. Marine Corps

Centered around the Sao Pedro de Aldeia Naval Air Base (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), the Brazilian Marine Corps successfully concluded an aerial assault exercise...

The U.S. Army is testing the new armored recovery vehicle M88A3

The U.S. Army has confirmed that the new version of the armored recovery vehicle M88A3 is undergoing reliability testing (RAM) at the Yuma Proving...

The Brazilian Air Force advances in the modernization program of its Super Tucano

With the aim of advancing in the modernization of its Embraer Super Tucano attack aircraft, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) begins to define the...

U.S. Air Force F-16C aggressor fighters intercepted two Russian Tu-95MS bombers in the Alaska...

In a recent incident within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), U.S. Air Force F-16C fighters were deployed to intercept and escort two...
Créditos: Fuerza Aérea Brasileña

The Brazilian Air Force begins preparations for the International Exercise CRUZEX 2024

In the context of the preparations for a new edition of the international Exercise Southern Cross (CRUZEX 2024), the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) held...

Gallery – This was the signing of the contract for the sale of F-16...

After a few weeks of a historic milestone for Argentina, the Photographic Service of the Danish Air Force recently released images corresponding to the...