The Brazilian Army announces the shortlisted models for its future Self-Propelled Wheeled Artillery Vehicle...

Within the framework of the selection program for the future Wheeled Self-Propelled Artillery Vehicle, the Logistics Command (COLOG) of the Brazilian Army (EB) has...

The importance of the Peruvian Navy’s PIAS in the support of Amazonian communities

The start of the first 2024 campaign of the Itinerant Social Action Platforms (PIAS) in the northeastern Peruvian jungle poses an interesting scenario to...

The aircraft of the Presidential Air Fleet will be transferred to the Argentine Air...

Yesterday, through information that began circulating on social media, following a retweet by the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, news emerged that the...

The Colombian Aerospace Force inaugurates its new Virtual Reality Simulation Center for the T-6C...

With the aim of enhancing pilot training capabilities, the Colombian Aerospace Force (FAC) inaugurated the Virtual Reality Simulation Center for the T-6C Texan weapon...

Ahead of its retirement from service, the Brazilian Air Force begins tribute ceremonies for...

In view of the imminent decommissioning of its Hercules C-130 transport planes, the Brazilian Air Force began a series of events as a tribute...

Bank of Brazil resumes support and financing to the Brazilian Defense Industry

One month after announcing the cessation of financing to the Brazilian defense industry, Banco do Brasil (BB) announced that it will resume commercial operations...

The Argentine Air Force will contract Aerolineas Argentinas for the C Check inspection of...

The Argentine Air Force will initiate a process of direct inter-administrative contracting with Aerolíneas Argentinas for the purpose of having the national company perform...

Brazilian Air Force receives new flight simulator for C-95M Bandeirante aircraft

Seeking to further enhance the training and skill development of its transport pilots, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has received a new flight simulator...