For the first time since its founding, a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer sailed...
In a new episode that heightens tensions with China in the Indo-Pacific region, for the first time since its establishment in 1954, the Japan...
The fifth of the new Taigei-class submarines of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was...
In recent hours, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force celebrated the launch of one of its new Taigei-class attack submarines at the Kobe Shipyard &...
The U.S. completed the delivery of the first Harpoon RGM-84L-4 coastal defense missiles to...
Over the weekend, the United States finalized the delivery of the first Harpoon RGM-84L-4 missiles acquired by the Armed Forces of Taiwan, enhancing their...
New advancements are recorded in the construction of the Type 076 amphibious assault ship...
In the last few hours, new images of the Type 076 amphibious assault ship of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy have gone...
The navies of China and Russia concluded their naval exercises in the Sea of...
After several days of intense exercises conducted in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk, the navies of China and Russia concluded...
The U.S. claims that the most modern nuclear-powered attack submarine of the Chinese Navy...
Emerging as a new development following the unusual activity reported last July at the Wuchang shipyard, where the future Type 041 nuclear-powered attack submarine...
The Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet has incorporated the new nuclear-powered submarines Emperor Alexander III...
In light of the latest reports, the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy has incorporated two new nuclear-powered submarines. Specifically, these are the ballistic...
The Azerbaijan Air Force has unveiled the first of its new JF-17 Thunder Block...
Earlier this year, various sources reported on the advanced negotiations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan to finalize the sale of JF-17 Thunder Block III fighter...