While the region strengthens its amphibious transport capabilities, the Argentine Navy is still analyzing...
With the upcoming arrival of the French National Navy's Jeanne d'Arc 2024 mission to South America, consisting of the amphibious helicopter carrier Tonnerre L9014...
Iran’s military breakthrough: ballistic missile launch from navy ship raises global concerns
When Iran has reached a very advanced stage in its military nuclear program , it test launched a ballistic missile from a navy ship.
The rapprochement between Argentina and the U.S. could be reflected in a greater exchange...
The decision of the current Argentine administration to strengthen ties with the United States will likely be reflected in an increase in Defense exchanges....
Expectation on the modernization of the Peruvian Navy
Of the three branches of the Peruvian Armed Forces, it is the Navy (MGP) that has made the most progress in its technological modernization...
The Israeli navy has started to use the Bluewhale unmanned submarine
The Israeli navy has started to use an unmanned submarine developed by Israel aerospace industries (IAI). The new addition to the underwater capabilities of...
While awaiting modernization, the Chilean Air Force commemorated the 18th anniversary of the arrival...
At the end of January, the Chilean Air Force commemorated the 18th anniversary of the arrival of its F-16C/D Block 50 fighters. The milestone,...
Brazilian and Paraguayan Armed Forces carry out first combined operation against organized crime of...
As part of the Basalto missions in Paraguay and Ágata in Brazil, the Armed Forces of both countries mobilized troops in the departments of...
Ecuador moves forward with the transfer of Russian-origin 9K33 Osa anti-aircraft missiles to the...
In view of the new alignment in terms of foreign policy of the current government, Ecuador is finalizing the details for the transfer of...