Etiqueta: rimpac 2024

Led by the U.S. Navy, the Multinational Exercise RIMPAC 2024 began in Hawaii

With the participation of naval forces from 29 nations, yesterday the representative of the United States Navy (US Navy) inaugurated the world's largest multinational naval exercise, known as RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific). The exercise will be held in Hawaii over the next few...

One of the retired USS Tarawa-class amphibious assault ships of the US Navy will be used as a target in the RIMPAC 2024 Exercise

With the Multinational Exercise RIMPAC 2024 approaching, it has been revealed that a retired USS Tarawa-class amphibious assault ship from the United States Navy (US Navy) will be destroyed as a target and sunk off the coast of Hawaii. It is important to note...

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