Etiqueta: Taiwanese Army

The new VCBR 8×8 equipped with a 105 mm cannon of the Army of Taiwan is officially presented

Recently, a prototype of the new 8x8 VCBR equipped with a 105 mm cannon of the Taiwan Army made its public debut during a demonstration held by the 209th Arsenal of the Armament Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (MND). It is expected...

The U.S. authorizes the sale of 720 Switchblade 300 loitering munitions to the Taiwanese Army

The U.S. government has authorized the potential sale of 720 Switchblade 300 loitering munitions, designed for both anti-personnel and anti-armor capabilities, to the Taiwanese Army in a deal estimated at around $60.2 million. This information comes from a notification made public yesterday by the...

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