Etiqueta: USS George Washington

Coverage: This is how the Argentine Navy operated with the USS George Washington aircraft carrier during the “Gringo-Gaucho II” Exercise

On June 1st, 2024, the Combined Naval Exercise PASSEX "Gringo-Gaucho II" between the Argentine Navy and the United States Navy came to a close. This significant milestone in the relationship between the naval forces of both countries took place 150 miles off the coast...

Advance – Zona Militar was present at the Combined Exercise Gringo-Gaucho II between the Argentine and U.S. Navies

Throughout a three-day coverage of high seas navigation, a Zona Militar team was present during the execution of Exercise PASSEX Gringo-Gaucho II carried out by the Argentine and United States Navies. Aboard ships of the Sea Fleet, we were able to firsthand observe the...

Members of the Tactical Divers and the DVRC of the Argentine Navy exercised with the U.S. missile destroyer USS Porter

While yesterday marked the last day of activities between the Argentine Navy and the United States as part of the PASSEX Exercise 'Gringo-Gaucho II,' the day allowed for the execution of new combined activities. One of these featured members of the Tactical Divers Group,...

The combined activities of Exercise Gringo-Gaucho II between the Argentine Navy and the aircraft carrier USS George Washington continue

With the start of the PASSEX Exercise "Gringo Gaucho II" and following the arrival of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) and escorts from the United States Navy (US Navy), the Argentine Navy continued conducting combined exercises aimed at increasing interoperability, practicing...

The Sea King helicopters of the Argentine Navy completed their first landings on the aircraft carrier USS George Washington

During yesterday's session, the first day of the PASSEX Exercise "Gringo-Gaucho II" took place between the Argentine and United States Navies (US Navy). One of the highlights of the day was the Sea King helicopter landings of the Naval Aviation Command on the flight...

The Argentine Navy began its operations with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington as part of Exercise Gringo-Gaucho II

With the entry into national jurisdictional waters of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) and its escorts, the Argentine and United States Navies began Exercise PASSEX "Gringo-Gaucho II." The initial official and protocol activities took place in the morning hours when two...

Gallery – This is how the Argentine Navy prepared to operate alongside the aircraft carrier USS George Washington

Prior to the start of Exercise Gringo-Gaucho II, the focus was on the preparations made by the Argentine Navy's Sea Fleet, which is gearing up to operate alongside the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the coming days. Positioned along the coast of Mar...

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington of the US Navy embarked personnel from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru

As part of its journey with its final destination being Japan, and as part of Southern Seas 2024, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) of the United States Navy (US Navy) is conducting a series of combined activities both operationally and educationally....

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