"While F-14A prototype construction continues, F-14B and F-14C engineering development is progressing. As mentioned earlier, planning calls for the F-14As to be operational by April 1973. As the 67th F-14A comes off the line, production is scheduled to switch to the more powerful B-version. First introduction of the F-14C all-weather air-to-ground weapon delivery version with an advanced avionics system for improved fire control will not take place until at least 1976, and probably later. Grumman is also doing some preliminary investigation on an RF-14 reconnaissance version as a possible replacement for RF-4Bs and RA-5Cs late in the 1970s. "
Si te referis a eso, tu traduccion es erronea.
Y nunca dice que el A no tuviera esa capacidad...
Si te referis a eso, tu traduccion es erronea.
Y nunca dice que el A no tuviera esa capacidad...