Noticias de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina

No me golpeen y no es el tema del thread, pero es necesario Mavericks en Super Tucanos? Tienen F-16 y todavía el A-36 Halcón. Quizás sea tipo la foto del Exocet en el Orión del COAN, hace un tiempo.
con solo pods de 30 mm pueden cortar como una sierra al medio blindado mas importante de argentina el ahí para abajo saca tus conclusiones!! les sobra el maverick pero queda bonito en el super tucano jeje.
Última edición:
No me golpeen y no es el tema del thread, pero es necesario Mavericks en Super Tucanos? Tienen F-16 y todavía el A-36 Halcón. Quizás sea tipo la foto del Exocet en el Orión del COAN, hace un tiempo.
Veamos tener los tienen, ahora son operativos en los Super Tucanos?. En los otros muy probablemente.

No sería la primera vez que se cuelga algo sobre algo, con tal de decir que es operativo en ese sistema.
No me golpeen y no es el tema del thread, pero es necesario Mavericks en Super Tucanos? Tienen F-16 y todavía el A-36 Halcón. Quizás sea tipo la foto del Exocet en el Orión del COAN, hace un tiempo.
Los A-36 Halcón ya están próximos a la baja.

Veamos tener los tienen, ahora son operativos en los Super Tucanos?. En los otros muy probablemente.

No sería la primera vez que se cuelga algo sobre algo, con tal de decir que es operativo en ese sistema.

Según tengo entendido, el Maverick está homologado en el modelo Super Tucano:

The aircraft “is armed with two wing-mounted 12.7mm machine guns with a rate of fire of 1,100 rounds a minute and is capable of carrying general-purpose bombs and guided air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles. “A-29s are turboprop planes armed with one 20mm cannon below the fuselage able to shoot 650 rounds per minute, one 12.7mm machine gun (FN Herstal) under each wing and up to four 7.62mm Dillion Aero M134 Miniguns able to shoot up to 3,000 rounds per minute”, a military source said.

Super Tucanos are also equipped with “70mm rockets, air-to-air missiles such as the AIM-9L Sidewinder, air-to-ground weapons such as the AGM-65 Maverick and precision-guided bombs. It can also use a laser rangefinder and laser-guided weapons. The aircraft is used by air forces of 15 countries.

“There are plenty of countries that have an extremist threat – the Middle East and South and Central Africa. SOCOM (Special Operations Command) is asking for this for Nigeria, Somalia and Libya. It is a perfect platform for where we are fighting,” US Rep, Michael Waltz, (R) Fla told Warrior, a military publication. The US-trained pilots with the Afghan Air Force had launched air strikes against the Taliban with A-29 Super Tucano aircraft, a platform which seems well-suited for the air force’s intended mission scope.

Its integrated weapons and laser-firing technology enable the platform to both lay down suppressive fire in support of advancing infantry and pinpoint targets for precision strikes. This mission envelope seems to enable a wide sphere of operational possibilities, to include counterinsurgency and great power challenges.

“The pilot is protected with Kevlar armour and provided with a zero/zero ejection seat. The clamshell canopy, hinged at the front and rear and electrically activated, is fitted with a de-icing system and features a windshield capable of withstanding, at 300k, the impact of a 4lb (1.81kg) bird. A Northrop Grumman onboard oxygen generation system (OBOGS) is installed.

“They have long loiter time and can stay close to the fight. They are interoperable in a very close-knit way with operations on the ground,” Waltz said. The publication listed war situations in which A-29s could change the equation when it comes to counterinsurgency.

“First and foremost, they can save lives. If overhead fire support is able to identify and attack pockets of enemy fighters, fewer ground troops have to enter into enemy fire. Also, an overhead asset of this kind can be an intelligence node able to send targeting information and data regarding troop movements.

“When it comes to actual close-in counterinsurgency combat, fighters often obscure themselves in defilade or in buildings, requiring a need for precision strikes. The air-ground Maverick precision weapon can use a laser rangefinder and other kinds of advanced targeting technologies – providing what could be called an indispensable element of attack support”.

Naturally, advancing ground forces can benefit from air support while advancing on enemies for direct targeting or suppressive fire to enable forces to maneuver”, it said

El Maverick en un Super Tucano se usa de la manera referida arriba.

podría revivir

Se desarmo para reciclar, todo menos la proa

En Pilar el tren de aterrizaje de 707 sea del VR-21 (a confirmar lo ultimo)

Los A-36 Halcón ya están próximos a la baja.

Según tengo entendido, el Maverick está homologado en el modelo Super Tucano:

The aircraft “is armed with two wing-mounted 12.7mm machine guns with a rate of fire of 1,100 rounds a minute and is capable of carrying general-purpose bombs and guided air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles. “A-29s are turboprop planes armed with one 20mm cannon below the fuselage able to shoot 650 rounds per minute, one 12.7mm machine gun (FN Herstal) under each wing and up to four 7.62mm Dillion Aero M134 Miniguns able to shoot up to 3,000 rounds per minute”, a military source said.

Super Tucanos are also equipped with “70mm rockets, air-to-air missiles such as the AIM-9L Sidewinder, air-to-ground weapons such as the AGM-65 Maverick and precision-guided bombs. It can also use a laser rangefinder and laser-guided weapons. The aircraft is used by air forces of 15 countries.

“There are plenty of countries that have an extremist threat – the Middle East and South and Central Africa. SOCOM (Special Operations Command) is asking for this for Nigeria, Somalia and Libya. It is a perfect platform for where we are fighting,” US Rep, Michael Waltz, (R) Fla told Warrior, a military publication. The US-trained pilots with the Afghan Air Force had launched air strikes against the Taliban with A-29 Super Tucano aircraft, a platform which seems well-suited for the air force’s intended mission scope.

Its integrated weapons and laser-firing technology enable the platform to both lay down suppressive fire in support of advancing infantry and pinpoint targets for precision strikes. This mission envelope seems to enable a wide sphere of operational possibilities, to include counterinsurgency and great power challenges.

“The pilot is protected with Kevlar armour and provided with a zero/zero ejection seat. The clamshell canopy, hinged at the front and rear and electrically activated, is fitted with a de-icing system and features a windshield capable of withstanding, at 300k, the impact of a 4lb (1.81kg) bird. A Northrop Grumman onboard oxygen generation system (OBOGS) is installed.

“They have long loiter time and can stay close to the fight. They are interoperable in a very close-knit way with operations on the ground,” Waltz said. The publication listed war situations in which A-29s could change the equation when it comes to counterinsurgency.

“First and foremost, they can save lives. If overhead fire support is able to identify and attack pockets of enemy fighters, fewer ground troops have to enter into enemy fire. Also, an overhead asset of this kind can be an intelligence node able to send targeting information and data regarding troop movements.

“When it comes to actual close-in counterinsurgency combat, fighters often obscure themselves in defilade or in buildings, requiring a need for precision strikes. The air-ground Maverick precision weapon can use a laser rangefinder and other kinds of advanced targeting technologies – providing what could be called an indispensable element of attack support”.

Naturally, advancing ground forces can benefit from air support while advancing on enemies for direct targeting or suppressive fire to enable forces to maneuver”, it said

El Maverick en un Super Tucano se usa de la manera referida arriba.

El tema también es que esté operativo en el sistema.

Te dejo fotos para que entiendas el punto.


Jorge II

Serpiente Negra.
El tema es que los problemas que tienen con los Embraer se lo pasas a la Fuerza Aerea y no creo que tenga el dinero para hacer el trabajo que necesitan los mismos. Además hay que tener en cuenta que son aviones propios y necesitan hacerse de ingresos más aun si siguen teniendo valor en el mercado aunque sea mínimo.


Miembro del Staff
Texan,texan,texan,texan !!!!

Chile muestra sus Super Tucano con misiles Maverick​

Durante el festejo por la creación de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile, celebrado el pasado 21 de marzo en la Base Aérea Cerro Moreno en Antofagasta, se pudo ver uno de los Embraer Super Tucano en la plataforma de la base portando dos misiles Raytheon AGM-65 Maverick en sus soportes subalares.

Si bien no hay información de que dicho misil haya sido efectivamente evaluado en el Super Tucano, estos sí ya son empleados por los F-5E Tigre III y F-16 Fighting Falcon de la fuerza y eventualmente podrían ser integrados dentro del armamento del Super Tucano.

Esta capacidad permitiría a los Super Tucano contar con la posibiliad de atacar blancos terrestres a gran distancia, ya que el Maverick posee un alcance de entre 15 y 24 kilómetros.

La FACH posee una cantidad no determinada de misiles de las versiones AGM-65F y AGM-65G de 306 kilos de peso y guía infrarroja.

es para la foto nomas...