Noticias de la Fuerza Aérea India

ya no se ni que decir,,,,abri una conversacion,,,caza embarcado para España,,,y cuando abogaba por el c-16,con las tobera itp,si por poco me meten fuego,je,je,,,me dejaron traumatizado,asi que por ahora no dire nada,,,pero admito que esta complicado,los inglis como buenos perros de sus amos no entraran,,ahora si la economia se complica y el f-35 se sigue encareciendo,,a saber


Als Ich Kan
Los birts tienen un proyecto de dos supercarriers del tamaño de un CGD... no estoy seguro si es convencional o nuclear, pero de unas 70000 toneladas...

Este porta puede ser:
STOVL: Basicamente Harriers (sacados de servicio ya) y F-35B...
STOBAR: EF naval y F-35B.
CATOBAR: Rhinos y Rafale... cosa que no los veo a los brits comprando eso...
Mixto: EF naval o F-35B y una o 2 catapultas en la pista principal para despegar E-2 y S-3... creo que ésta sería la opción más viable para UK, que fue la misma que eligió Rusia en su momento.



Lo mejor está en que, por lo que se comenta, al reducir la velocidad de aproximación gracias a las toberas vectoriales, no hace falta un rediseño profundo del tren de aterrizaje para aguantar los esfuerzos del apontaje.

Con mis pobres conocimientos de diseño aeronautico, aclaro, creo que de todas formas el tren debe ser reforzado al igual que la estructura de la nave dependiendo de cuanto choque pueda soportar la celula original, mas alla del TVC.

Saludos cordiales
Con mis pobres conocimientos de diseño aeronautico, aclaro, creo que de todas formas el tren debe ser reforzado al igual que la estructura de la nave dependiendo de cuanto choque pueda soportar la celula original, mas alla del TVC.

Saludos cordiales

Wolf... Es toda la celula, mas el tren de aterrizaje... Mas alla de las pinturas y aleaciones a base de magnesio, y proteccion salina especial...



Als Ich Kan
Sobre lo de la célula... vos decís que en realidad toda la célula se modifica en su totalidad para uso naval y no solo el tren?


Evidentemente hay que reforzar el aparato y aplicar tratamientos anticorrosión. Pero no llegan al nivel de lo que sería necesario sin las TVC.

Por otro lado, un pedido indio que haría que el coste medio de un EF navalizado bajase bastante, lo que pondría el aparato dentro del presupuesto tanto de la Armada como de la Royal Navy. Los que lo tendrían peor son los italianos, ya que no creo que pueda operar desde su nuevo porta. En el JC1 no tendríamos problemas, ya que sigue siendo un LHD y sigue siendo muy útil y no tan especializado como el bicharraco italiano.
Eurofighter: News Detail

un saludo,,la verdad,no se en que quedara todo esto,,pero por lo visto,India esta buscando mas que un prooveedor un socio al igual que el consorcio EF,,,con India,muchos paises estan cambiando el chips,de compradores a socios,,dicen que no es un sueño que se puede hacer un EF naval,pero el problema aparte de los euros,que esto se podria solucionar con la India,es uno de sus miembros que hara todo lo posible por poner zancadillas



A los germanos les daría igual, e incluso les permitiría reducir costes. Al resto lo mismo, pero además dándonos acceso a la variante naval.

A nadie le viene mal.

A los germanos les daría igual, e incluso les permitiría reducir costes. Al resto lo mismo, pero además dándonos acceso a la variante naval.

A nadie le viene mal.

un saludo,,,a todos sobre el papel les daria igual,,pero yo me referia a los inglis,estan metidos en el f-35 ,y a no ser que este proyecto se retrase aun mas o surgan mas problemas seguiran con el,quizas este equibocado,pero el proyecto del EF naval,molestaria a los yanquis y sin mencionar que inglaterra se salga de su proyecto en comun para ***** este nuevo,,muchos intereses cruzados y ya sabemos si la cosa se pone tensa de que lado se pondran los de la isla,,,,y ahora y suponiendo que India coja el EF y querer convertirse en socio de un hipotetico EF naval,si inglaterra se negase a entrar en este proyecto¿¿¿¿que ocurriria????,,¿podrian seguir los otros tres mas la india solos?,,¿¿inglaterra vetaria traspaso de tecnologia a la india como estos quieren???,,

esta clara una cosa,India tiene el sueño de ser socio del EF,tener acceso a tecnologia y sobretodo a sus motores,sin contar carga de trabajo en el montaje,etc,,,a la larga seria beneficioso para ellos como para cualquier socio de un proyecto de esta clase,,de lo contrario ya lo hubiesen descartado y hace tiempo


Si ya van por 48 MiG-29K mas el Tejas naval, realmente no veo mucho lugar para un avión que no pasa de esa maqueta.

Y como dice Marito, no es moco e' pavo navalizar un avión, sino preguntenle a los chinitos.

Por otro lado :svengo: :

¿Renunció Rusia a sus planes de vender cazas MiG a India?

Iliá Krámnik, RIA Novosti

En 2007, la India convocó una licitación para la compra de 126 cazas de alcance medio que reemplazarán a los ya obsoletos aparatos MiG-21y los principales competidores, el caza estadounidense F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, y el ruso MiG-35, salieron a la recta final.

La mayor intriga de esta competencia radica en que Rusia anunció que no exhibiría su caza táctico multifuncional MiG-35 en el Salón Internacional Aeroespacial Aéreo India 2011, que se inauguró el pasado 9 de febrero en Bangalore.

Según varios expertos, la ausencia del MiG “en vivo” evidencia que Rusia ha abandonado sus intenciones de participar en la licitación convocada por la India.

Comparación de los líderes

El caza ruso MiG-35 y el estadounidense F/A-18E/F Super Hornet tienen sus puntos fuertes y débiles.

La tecnología de fabricación del aparato estadounidense ya está perfeccionada. Los Super Hornet se fabrican en serie desde hace más de diez años y están dotados de radar con antena de elementos múltiples desfasados que también se produce en serie.

Además, EEUU puede iniciar la fabricación de sus cazas para la India en los plazos más cortos.

Las ventajas principales del MiG-35 consisten en que la India ya tiene una experiencia de explotación de los MiG-29 y una infraestructura avanzada de reparación y mantenimiento de los aparatos MiG. Al mismo tiempo, Rusia está dispuesta a otorgar licencia para la fabricación de los MiG-35 a la India.

El principal defecto del MiG-35 es su radar con antena de elementos múltiples desfasados cuyo desarrollo no se ha terminado todavía y continuará durante uno ó dos años.

Además, a pesar de que el MiG-35 es la versión modificada del MiG-29, este modelo debe ser perfeccionado antes de que se inicie su fabricación en serie.
En realidad, los MiG-35 y MiG-29 son semejantes sólo desde el punto de vista de su aspecto. El último aparato de la familia MiG está dotado con una aviónica y el equipo absolutamente nuevo.

El armamento que se instala en el MiG-35 puede incluir misiles modernos aire-superficie. Así las cosas, se puede caracterizar este aparato como multifuncional, a diferencia del MiG-29 destinado al combate aéreo para garantizar la supremacía en el aire.

La cabina del piloto está dotada de pantallas multifuncionales de cristal líquido y el sistema HOTAS (manos en gases y palanca, por sus siglas en inglés ) que permite al piloto manejar todos los sistemas sin quitar las manos de palancas de control de avión y de motores.

Los proyectistas lograron aumentar la maniobrabilidad del aparato dotándolo de motores de empuje vectorial, lo que le hace mucho menos vulnerable en combates a corta distancia y capaz de eludir misiles lanzadas desde la distancia larga.

La existencia de dos versiones del caza MiG-35, monoplaza y biplaza, con las características de aviónica casi iguales, hace posible formar grupos de aparatos de ambos tipos capaces de cumplir las misiones más complicadas.
Los cazas biplaza asumen el mando de todo el grupo.

Mientras tanto, Boeing…

A diferencia de Rusia que decidió no exhibir su MiG-35 en el salón aeroespacial en en Bangalore, EEUU presentó en la India su última versión modernizada del F/A-18 – Silent Hornet, que usa la tecnología de baja detectabilidad “stealth”.
Este aparato está dotado de tanques de combustible confortables, motores modernizados, sistema de alerta de aproximación de misiles que ofrece cobertura esférica alrededor del avión, compartimento interno de armas y la cabina del piloto de quinta generación con el integrado sensor infrarrojo de detección y seguimiento de objetivos aéreos.

El prototipo exhibido fue el primer avión cuyo desarrollo se lleva a cabo en el marco del programa International Super Hornet Roadmap, que había anunciado la corporación Boeing en el último salón aeroespacial en Farnborough.
Este caza fue presentado como aparato de nueva generación de la familia Super Hornet, con la elevada eficacia en combate, supervivencia y mejor conocimiento de la situación.

El vicepresidente de la corporación Boeing, Vivek Lall, informó que si la India firma el contrato con Boeing en el marco del concurso para suministro para la Fuerza Aérea india de al menos 126 cazas polivalentes de clase media, tendrá aceso a las anunciadas tecnologías.

“Estamos desarrollando una plataforma de combate que no perderá su eficacia durante los próximos 30 ó 40 años”, anunció Lall.

Es una declaración sin precedentes para una compañía estadounidense. Antes, el acceso a las tecnologías tan sólo se concedía a los aliados más importantes de EEUU.

Los resultados del concurso deben anunciarse en próximo verano. Son muy importantes para la corporación rusa MiG. Si el MiG-35 no gana este concurso, los cazas de la compañía Sukhoi ocuparán la posición dominante en el mercado ruso de aviones de combate.

A pesar del potencial indudable de las plataformas de Sukhoi y su calidad probada es poco probable que este monopolio sea útil.



Piloto militar sobrevive al estrellarse su caza Mig-21 en India

Nueva Delhi, 4 de febrero, RIA Novosti.

Un piloto militar logró catapultarse y sobrevivir cuando su avión, un caza MiG-21 Bison, se estrelló hoy en el estado indio de Madhya Pradesh, reportó un portavoz de la Fuerza Aérea de India.
Un grupo de rescate ya encontró al piloto y lo trasladó al hospital militar de Gwalior, precisó la fuente. El accidente, que no causó daños al caer, se produjo a las 5.50 GMT a unos 150 kilómetros al suroeste del aeródromo de Gwalior, de donde el avión despegó para realizar un vuelo rutinario de entrenamiento.
India lleva más de 40 años explotando los cazas del modelo ruso MiG-21 y tiene en su parque aeronáutico unas 200 máquinas de ese tipo, las cuales están a punto de agotar su vida útil. Se han registrado hasta la fecha decenas de accidentes con los MiG-21 aunque la tasa de siniestralidad disminuye desde 2003, gracias a la asistencia de técnicos rusos que contribuyen a incrementar la fidelidad del antiguo caza.


Als Ich Kan
MiG no va a dejar de existir, hace bastante ya que todas las empresas aeronátuicas rusas trabajan en conjunto...

Igualmente le MiG-35 fue abandonado de MRCA hace mucho...

Grulla, pero a la RAF y el EdA es posible que les interese..


MIG dejara de existir?

Y seguira como subcontratista. Por ahora viene zafando con MiG-29K y las modernizaciones de MiG-29 antiguos, como el MiG-29UPG de la India (ahi puse foto).

Tiempo atrás la FA Rusa dijo que iba a encargar algunos lotes de MiG-35, pero si no terminan de ensayar y poner a punto el modelo....:yonofui:

---------- Post added at 01:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

Conferencia de Prensa en AeroIndia por Pogosyan

Prospects of Russian-Indian cooperation in aviation

Participation of the Russian delegation to Aero India show has traditionally included a joint press conference, attended by the Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation Aleksander Fomin, the first vice president for program coordination of the United Aircraft Corporation, CEO JSC "Company" Sukhoi ", General Director - General Designer of JSC" RSK "MiG" Mikhail Pogosyan, and senior vice-president of the United Aircraft Corporation, Commercial Aviation, President of Irkut Corporation, CEO of EDB. A. Yakovlev, Oleg Demchenko. The presentations and responses to reporters' questions were raised on different aspects of cooperation with India on projects in the field of military and civil aviation, as well as the implementation of programs by "United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). The following is a summary of the main issues raised at the press conference.

Military-technical cooperation between Russia and India

The history of military-technical cooperation between our two countries goes back about 50 years.Relations between Russia and India could be described as strategic partnership: over the years has seen large-scale deliveries of the most modern armaments and military equipment, but also transfer of relevant technologies and licenses for their production. According to Fomin, "now our cooperation is developing, particularly in the aerospace field, and it is developing very rapidly ... At present, the relationship from seller and buyer our relationship turned into a completely level playing field. It is on this basis we are cooperating in the high- technologies. "

Among the specific areas of cooperation he mentioned joint projects , the fifth generation fighter and multi-purpose transport aircraft, licensed assembly of Su-30MKI. Indian Air Force operates a large fleet of Soviet and Russian aircraft, and is currently implementing projects to modernize it.


According to Mikhail Pogosyan, the most successful project of Russian-Indian cooperation on the program today is the Su-30MKI. In its implementation involving the corporation of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Irkut Corporation and Sukhoi, which is the developer of this aircraft. As the head of Sukhoi, today more than hundred aircrafts of this type are in operation with the Indian Airforce. The program provides for the licensed production and a further increase in the number of aircraft to be delivered to the Indian Air Force. "We expect the Indian market for these aircraft at a rate of over two hundred units," - said Mikhail Pogosyan.

Speaking about the development of the program, he noted that the planned upgrade of serial manufactured Su-30MKI. "First and foremost, we will upgrade the avionics, radar, increase its ability to engage air, ground and sea targets. The biggest upgrade is in terms of new types of weapons - is in the integration of BrahMos missile to the Su-30MKI fighters," - said Mikhail Pogosyan ."Together with the Ministry of Defence of India, the company Brahmos Aerospace, HAL, NPO Machine Building and Rosoboronexport, Sukhoi and Irkut discuss the modernization of the Su-30MKI and the use of missiles Brahmos to improve aircraft performance."


Even more ambitious project will be a Indo-Russian fifth generation fighter. As you know, in December 2010 a contract was signed for the joint development of preliminary design of combat aviation complex of the fifth generation. "It's not just a program to create a new complex - it is a program of close cooperation in the development of modern aviation complexes between India and Russia,"

In his view, unlike competitors that offer India specific products created in the producing countries and are considering the possibility of technology transfer, we have for decades been working jointly with the Indian industry over the implementation of promising programs, such as the modernization of legacy aircraft and to create a perspective on the complex area of combat and transport aircraft. Therefore, an alternative to purchasing equipment and possible prospective of cooperation in this field, with one hand. On the other - the real co-operation and use of the best technologies that exist in Russia and India, to create a joint future products. Pogosyan said that there is a positive experience in programs such as the MiG-27, manufactured in India under license for many years, or Su-30MKI, where the Indian side has received a number of technologies, including the integration of the complex, which allowed her to integrate its own equipment to create a customised aircraft.

"Of course, the program will create a combat aviation system - with a completely different level of interaction, but the procedures for technology transfer are described in the contract. I think we have a good base to carefully execute this contract and technology transfer in key areas that will be implemented under the contract "- he stressed.

Talking about the major milestones of the program, Pogosyan noted that the bulk of the work on phase one will be executed as early as 2011, and complete them in the first half of 2012. In 2012, the results of joint work will be presented to the customer - the Indian Airforce. Asked about the cost of the project, he noted that "investment in the program of the fifth generation are the subject of negotiation between the parties."

Also director of Sukhoi told about the current status of work on fifth-generation fighter program for the domestic program. According to him, the whole program is being developed in accordance with plans. The first plane carried about 40 test flights, conducted a large amount of test of complex avionics for 30 flight , a large volume of static tests were conducted. The second plane is also being prepared for the start of flight testing and will soon begin to fly. Overall, in 2011, we will fly three test machine. "Clearly, there are issues but all of these issues are of working nature. No new aircraft was created without any issues that arised during the implementation of such complex programs - he concluded.


Certainly, the journalists were interested in the cause of its absence "MiG-35 taking part in the tender for the purchase of 126 multi-role fighters Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft (MMRCA). Pogosyan said that "speaking about the possibility of a demonstration of the MiG-35, the procedure of the tender stipulated that we will demonstrate the capabilities of this aircraft , which will not be within this Air Show in Bangalore, but as part of the tests carried out by Indian and Russian pilots in India and in Russia. We have demonstrated the possibility of basing aircraft in the high mountains. We have demonstrated tracking of air and ground targets. I believe that we have completed the program demonstrating the MiG-35 as part of the tender in full volume. Prior to that, we have twice shown the aircraft at an exhibition in Bangalore. We want to give the customer choice to take a decision based on those materials that they have received, in comparison with other proposals, which they have received along with our offer. "


Also Pogosyan mentioned the MiG-29K. According to him, the whole aircraft of this type have been successfully operated Indian Navy. An average flight of over two hundred hours has been accumlated on the plane. In February 2010, signed an option for the contract to supply the Indian Navy with 29 more aircraft.

He added that the Navy in Russia too is in talks with RSK MiG for the supply of MiG-29K.

MiG-29 Upgrade

Air Forces of India operate the MiG-29, which was proposed to be upgraded. As stressed by M. Pogosyan, "a program of modernization of MiG-29 that are in service with the Air Force of India, is the second most important program that leads RSK MiG in this country. It will be developed in the direction of modernization on the customer's site in India ".

He recalled that on 4 February it made its first flight on the first modernised plane, with repairs and upgrades at the facilities of RSK MiG."The main volume of tests we will perform this year, although it will not be finished completely," - he said Overall, the program provides for the modernization of some 60 aircraft and will take several years. The first upgraded aircraft will be delivered to the customer in 2011.

The modernization of MiG-29 in the first place would be updated with range of airborne equipment. The MiG-29 Upgrade will include a new radar, which lets you use the most modern means of destruction of aircraft both air and ground targets.In addition, information-control field will be modern.

After sales service

As stressed by M. Pogosyan, "though a large number of aircraft of the MiG and Sukhoi, which operated in India, one of the key tasks is to improve after-sales service." UAC Enterprises with Indian colleagues are working on a system that meets today's requirements.


One of the most promising joint projects in the field of transport aircraft program is a multi-purpose transport aircraft MTA. United Aircraft Corporation and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will share the program cost. First in December 2010 in Bangalore registered a joint venture with participation of Russia and India. The agenda of the next meeting of the board of directors of joint venture - the amended work plan for this program and implementation of specific tasks that will start in 2011 for the successful promotion of the project.

Asked about the possibility of using the project on the MTA based on experience accumulated during the creation of AN-148, Pogosyan said that the parties established a joint working group, and established a joint venture program, multi-purpose transport aircraft. As part of preliminary studies will be worked out various options. But, of course, these options must meet the requirements, which are put by the Russian and Indian sides " - he said, adding that the requirements for the AN-148 are somewhat different from the requirements of the draft MTA . In any case, the working group will have the opportunity to review such a proposal," - he concluded.


M. Pogosyan, in his speech touched upon the issue of participation in the tender for the supply air tankers: "We always appreciate the chance to bid as well, and do not participate in those tenders, which assess the chances low. We believe that the experience of operating the tankers IL -78 in the Russian Air Force and Indian Air Force, mastering the production of IL-476 in Ulyanovsk creates good prospects for participation in the Indian tender. Of course, the best assessment of our prospects will be heard from the the customer. "

He added that in the field of military transport aircraft our cooperation has risen to a new level. The aircraft IL-76 family: today in the Indian Air Force are the transport option and IL-76, and air tankers Il-78, and aviation complex radar survey and surveillance platform based IL-76. Today in Ulyanovsk Ilyushin and Aviastar prepare and deploy the production of IL-476. This will give us the opportunity to long-term development of this complex," he said.

Civil projects

Sukhoi Superjet-100, The exhibition in Bangalore, was presented the short-haul aircraft Sukhoi Superjet-100, confirming the intention of the Russian side to enter the civil aircraft market in India. As noted by Mikhail Pogosyan, "then the long-term cooperation, the firm foundation that has been created within the framework of joint work with our Indian counterparts on combat and transport aircraft, gives us good prospects for expanding our cooperation in civil aviation ... The global nature of the civil market aviation technology creates good preconditions for integration and in this promising area of our cooperation. "

Turning to market prospects aircraft SSJ100, head Sukhoi said that the UAC is considering markets of Southeast Asia as one of the most promising areas for advancing the global market. I think that in the near future will come to the achievement of specific agreements with Indian airlines, as well as a number of airlines of other countries in the region," - he stressed. Also referred to M. Pogosyan and the Russian-Ukrainian program: "We see prospects for joint work and market promotion of South-East Asia and other that UAC develops and creates together with their Ukrainian counterparts - the AN-148".

R & D

During the question and answer session was touched hot topic of research and development work, which, according to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the "United Aircraft Corporation" were not up to par. Mikhail Pogosyan, the candidate who will soon be approved for the post of chairman of the UAC, made a comment on this topic: "Of course, we are ramping up work in the direction as outlined by the government - in the direction of innovation. While I believe that the overall strategy, which was adopted by "United Aircraft Corporation, which provides for promotion of new high-tech products, such as the Sukhoi Superjet 100, MS-21, combat aviation complex of the fifth generation, the concentration of resources poses a major corporation in the future in cutting-edge areas. I think that the plans that we implement in combat aviation complex of the fifth generation, are competitive with the best of which are being created by other manufacturers, including our American colleagues, and in China. I do not think that we fundamentally change their plans, which put ourselves in the development of fifth generation fighter program. I think that this program will provide us a competitive advantage in the marketplace, as we have a competitive advantage in the fourth-generation aircraft. "


Brief work on the promising family of airliners highlighted the MS-21 Pogosyan, who stressed that the United Aircraft Corporation, the task "to create a competitive product in one of the most popular segments of civil aviation. We plan to achieve this goal by introducing new technologies in the field of application composite materials, complex avionics open architecture, as well as a number of other technical solutions. "

More details about the progress in this direction was presented by president of the corporation Irkut He stressed that work on MS-21 being on the schedule: "As of today we go to the chart, and in 2014, should fly the first aircraft and in 2016 must be certified by European standards and to start deliveries. President Irkut recalled that in November 2010 was successfully carried out mock commission, attended by specialists of the Aviation Register of Interstate Aviation Committee. Also in November, on a test bench in Perm running demonstrator engine gas generator prospective PD-14, which will be installed on MS-21. Company Aerokompozit has created the first examples of parts of the project "Black Wing", and referred them to the test. "All of this suggests that the plane had gone from virtual reality to a real aircraft," - said Oleg Demchenko. According to him, in April-May, the project must go through the 4 th gate, during which the aircraft structure is frozen and fixed choice of suppliers. The developer then began to produce the documentation.

Speaking about contacts for a given product, he noted that today in the stage of contracting 150 aircraft, the first fifty aircraft gives a solid contract. In February we get an advance on the aircraft under contract with the financial services group in Malaysia," - supplemented O. Demchenko. -We expect that the agreement for 50 planes from Rostechnology "end user" Aeroflot ", we will sign in March. We have entered into technical negotiations, which, I think, during February-March will be finish. There is a possibilities to sign the contract in March ".

One of the journalists' questions focused on the competitiveness of the MS-21 in the light of the coming-to-market aircraft Airbus A320NEO. Chief of Irkut said that "we did the analysis, calculations, estimated of the market, looked at technical capabilities of the aircraft. If you take the basic aircraft A320 which is now operated by airlines of the world, and the MS-21 aircraft, then the latter is overall better by 15%. If we take reengine plane, we were not mistaken when we put Pratt & Whitney engine on this plane. The choise for the same engine was made by Airbus, which says that we were right to choose their partner in terms of Western engine on MS-21 ... Calculations have been made, and we understand that under any scenario we win on economy and operating cost. Similarly, MS-21 will exceed the performance of Chinese and C919: "Chinese people have submitted their details, they are like reengined A320, at about the same level", - believes Oleg Demchenko.

Concluding his speech on the MS-21, a senior vice president of KLA said that it could cooperate with India on this plane: "We've worked with the Chinese side, with Airbus. For about six months negotiating with India on cooperation with HAL for MS-21 aircraft. We are dealing with the matter. "

Fuente: ??????????? ?????????-?????????? ?????????????? ? ??????? // ????????.???????


Als Ich Kan
Va a ser esa la nueva formación de la IAF? :sifone:

---------- Post added at 04:37 ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 ----------

Y el tren delantero tan petisito??


La India, en conversaciones con Embraer para Jet Comercial

22 de febrero 2011

Por Graham Warwick [email protected]
Sao Jose dos Campos

La India esta esperanza en la posibilidad de cooperar con Embraer en el desarrollo de un avión de pasaje regional de 90 - 100 asientos, dijo un funcionario del Gobierno el 20 de febrero, durante la presentación en Brasil del primer EMB-145 AEW & C (plataforma alerta temprana y control aerotransportado) para la India.

El contrato para proporcionar tres EMB-145 AEW & C como bancos de pruebas ha sentado las bases para la cooperación entre Embraer y la India en aviones comerciales y otros programas, dice V. K. Saraswat, Director General de la Organización de Investigación y Desarrollo de Defensa (DRDO), basada en Bangalaru.

Saraswat dijo que el gobierno indio ha aprobado el desarrollo de un transporte regional de 90 - 100 plazas y conversaciones con Embraer ya han tenido lugar. Él también señalo la potencial cooperación con Brasil en el desarrollo del caza indio de quinta generación, aunque Embraer dice que no hubo discusiones sobre ese programa.

El Laboratorio Aeroespacial Nacional de la India está estudiando un transporte regional a turbohélice de 70 - 90 asientos y otro a chorro de 90 - 100 plazas, y el llamado "comité de alta poder en el desarrollo nacional de aeronaves civiles" debe presentar un informe de viabilidad para el Gobierno en marzo-abril.

Embraer, por su parte, está estudiando las opciones en respuesta a la nueva serie C de Bombardier y al A-320NEO de Airbus con nuevos motores, que van desde mejoras en el motor y otros upgrades para su familia E-170/190 de 70 - 110 asientos hasta el desarrollo de una aeronave más grande totalmente nueva.

Además de las tres plataformas EMB-145 AW & C, Embraer ha entregado transportes VIP “Legacy” a la fuerza aérea india y es el oferente preferido para un contrato de nueve aviones Legacy adicionales para servir de plataformas de inteligencia electrónica y remolque de blancos.

Fuente: India, Embraer In Talks For Commercial Jet | AVIATION WEEK