2 de abril de 1982 / 2nd april 1982

Es mi primer post en este proyecto, mis felicitaciones por esta muy buena idea.
Muy buenas las historias espero seguir leyendo mas.

This is my first post on this project, my congratulations on this very good idea.
Very good story I hope to continue reading more.
To answer your question I didn't know that the invasion was going to happen other than what was on the TV news, however, we were told on 21 March (I remember as it was my birthday) that anyone going on Easter leave had to be ready for immediate recall. We were not told why. We had an amphibious exercise going on in Norway at the time and we were busy trying to get key personnel back without disrupting the excercise. C-in-C fleet (Adm Fieldhouse) held several briefings at Northwood prior to the invasion. A contingency plan for the recovery of the Islands was initiated (in secret) in late January 82.

Interesting subject this. Also confirms the rumours you hear that some of our PR.9 Canberras were down operating from Chile (almost certain in Chilean colours) well before April, gathering intel. So if plans were being made in late Jan, with leave recall warnings in March, you can bet that Naval Party 8901 was well aware that they were going to face some action in early April. It will be fascinating when all this goes public access one day in the future.


Totally certain Nazcasteve, the British Canberras and Hercules that operated from Punta Arenas used Chilean colours.

Totalmente cierto Nazcateve, los Canberras y Hercules británicos que operaron desde Punta Arenas usaron los colores chilenos.
Thanks for the confirmation. That may well be common knowledge, but it continues to be 'classified' over here for obvious reasons.


Moreover, the Hercules had mistakes, for instance instead of write over them FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE, the British painted FUERA AREA DE CHILE. I heard there are photographs of three Hercules had the same serial number according to the FACh, what showed those were British aircrafts.

Y aún más, los Hercules tenían errores, por ejemplo en vez de escribir en ellos FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE, los británicos escribieron FUERA AREA DE CHILE. También escuché que existen fotografías de tres Hercules que tenían la misma matrícula, lo que mostraba, obviamente, que eran aviones británicos.
Sin duda, es muy interesante, Eagle.

If anyone ever had these photos, that would be priceless. I remember reading somewhere that some members of the British press may have been present in Chile during this time, but there were no photos ever circulated that I know of. I'll see if I can find the forum thread where this was discussed in some detail.

UPDATE: Well, I found it, regarding the PR.9s, it starts with this quote:

"The Canberras at Punta Arenas during Corporate were seen by a UK journo (Jon Snow if memory serves) who was familiar with the type from reporting on South Africa and Rhodesia. The Herc was 'spotted' according to legend because, though it wore full Chilean markings, someone had mis-spelt the air force's name as 'Fuerza Area Chile' instead of 'Fuerza Aerea Chile'....

So far, however, I haven't seen sufficient evidence to prove the stories of RAF aircraft (whether Nimrod R, Canberra PR or C-130) in Chile are any more than rumour or wishful thinking."



British War Veteran

Please. Evidence?:svengo:

Por favor. Aportar pruebas

Moreover, the Hercules had mistakes, for instance instead of write over them FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE, the British painted FUERA AREA DE CHILE. I heard there are photographs of three Hercules had the same serial number according to the FACh, what showed those were British aircrafts.

Y aún más, los Hercules tenían errores, por ejemplo en vez de escribir en ellos FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE, los británicos escribieron FUERA AREA DE CHILE. También escuché que existen fotografías de tres Hercules que tenían la misma matrícula, lo que mostraba, obviamente, que eran aviones británicos.
If any kind of official photo or documentary evidence came out about that, Ken, at least prior to all this is declassified, I think someone would get in a lot of trouble.

Rather than this be a conspiracy of the Roswell type, I think this is one of those mutually-known 'secrets'. I just don't think either the Chilean or UK governments are going cough up any evidence of it any time soon.
No puedo recordar que hacía cuando murío Kennedy. Sí cuando murió Giachino, que era mejor gente.
Malvinas combió para siempre algunas premisas y veleidades tanto nustras como dle mundo.
Supimos al fin quienes eran los yanquis y que la farse de Torcuato Di Tella "Somos españoles actuando como italianos soñandos con ser ingleses" humilla a cualquier argentino bien parido.
La Batalla por Malvinas será nuevamente una causa y no "Una aventura de Generales que pretendían perpetuarse" Y lo será no por el patriotismos de quienes gobiernan sino simplemente por por petróleo. Y es que el mundo considera seria nuestra postura no por Taiana o al Sra. Presidente, sino porque ha quedado claro que somos capaces de morir por la Islas y muy capaces de matar por ellas. Y matar más, mucho más de lo que los que escriben la Historia(los que ganan el combate) están dispuetos a aceptar.
Favor de traducir, amigo Iconoclasta, a mis años apenas me bato en Castellano.

I can not remember that Kennedy did when he died. Yes he died Giachino, who was best.
Malvinas freezer forever some premises and caprices as dle both our special world.
We knew at last who the Yankees and the farce of Torcuato Di Tella "We are acting as Italian Spanish soñandos to be British" humiliates any Argentine or littered.
The Battle for Malvinas will again be a cause and not "An Adventure of Generals who sought to perpetuate" And it will not for the patriotism of those who rule but simply for oil. And is that the world considers our position would not Taiana or Madame President, but because it has become clear that we can die for the islands and very capable of killing for them. And killing more, much more than those who write history (those who win the fight) are dispuetos to accept.
Please translate Iconoclast friend at my age I paddle just in Castilian.