handschar dijo:que tal esto??
Sacamos las cuentas???
The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression is a book that describes the history of political repressions by Communist states, including extrajudicial executions, deportations, and man-made famines that the book argues resulted from the communist policies. The book was originally published in 1997 in France under the title, Le Livre noir du communisme : Crimes, terreur, répression. In the United States it is published by Harvard University Press.
The introduction, by editor Stéphane Courtois, states that that "...Communist regimes...turned mass crime into a full-blown system of government". Using unofficial estimates he cites a death toll which totals 94 million. The breakdown of the number of deaths given by Courtois is as follows:
20 million in the Soviet Union
65 million in the People's Republic of China
1 million in Vietnam
2 million in North Korea
2 million in Cambodia
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
150,000 in Latin America
1.7 million in Africa
1.5 million in Afghanistan
10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international communist movement and communist parties not in power."(p. 4)
It explicitly claims that Communist regimes are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement, including fascism. The statistics of victims includes executions, intentional destruction of population by starvation, and deaths resulting from deportations, physical confinement, or through forced labor. It does not include "excess deaths" due to lower or higher than expected mortality or birth rates of the population.
A more detailed partial listing of some of the repressions committed in the Soviet Union under the regimes of Lenin and Stalin described in the book include:
the executions of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners, and the murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants from 1918 to 1922
the Russian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people
the extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920
the murder of tens of thousands in concentration camps in the period between 1918 and 1930
the Great Purge which liquidated almost 690,000 people
the deportation of 2 million so-called "kulaks" from 1930 to 1932
the deaths of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others during the famine of 1932 and 1933
the deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Balts, Moldavians and Bessarabians from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945
the deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941
the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943
the deportation of the Chechens in 1944
the deportation of the Ingush in 1944.(p. 9-10)
The book, among other sources, used material from the (then) recently opened KGB files and other Soviet archives.
Handschar, sobre el Libro Negro del Comunismo, hay una muy buena reflexión del historiados Mark B. Tauger de la universidad de Virginia, el se hacia la siguiente pregunta: ¿la muerte de hambre de un niño ucraniano es igual a la muerte de un niño judio en el guetho de Varsovia?, porque esa es la equivocada tesis de Courtois.
Yo no me voy a rebajar a discutir los números publicados por Courtois, porque me suena un poco a quienes discuten si hubo o no 6 millones de judios muertos o 30.000 desaparecidos, y ademas, historiadores de renombre como el nombrado ya lo han hecho con altura http://www.h-net.org/people/editors/show.cgi?ID=124459
Por otra parte, según Courtois el "comunismo" (claro que bajo este término mezcla regímenes muy diversos y situaciones históricas muy diversas) a asesinado a 100 millones de personas. ¿Y cuantos millones han muerto por las condiciones agraviantes para la dignidad humana que impone el Capitalismo? Esto no es excusa de lo primero, pero me parece que para ser justos hay que contar la historia completa.
El Fascismo, muy bien descripto y definido por Hannah Harend en su concepto de Totalitarismo, engloba a Hitler, a Stalin y a Mussolini. Yo afirmo que Hitler, Stalin y Mussolini son unos seres despreciables y terribles hijos de ****.
¿Vos sos capaz de afirmar lo mismo con todas las letras?