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Respecto a la duda sobre el alcance, ahi hay otra diferencia en cuanto a techo de crecimiento más allá de lo electrónico.

Si bien ambos modelos operados en la FACh operan los estanques subalares estandar de 370 galones, los Block 50 están certificados para los estanques lanzables de 600 galones

Israel’s IMI is also offering a higher capacity external fuel tanks (600 Gallon) for the F16, which can significantly extend the F-16 range, These tanks can replace the 370 gallon tanks or carried in addition to other tanks, especially on long haul ferry missions. However, the 600 Gal version cannot be dropped when the aircraft enters a dogfight and therefore, can be carried when the aircraft is armed for all aspect combat (when maneuvering relative to the target is not required), or maintained in relatively safe flight pattern (such as various mission support roles) or being escorted by other fighters.

El tema es si se justifica saltar a ellos, o a los conformal fuel tanks (otro elemento disponible para los Bloque 50) ya que se cuenta con 3 KC-135E.

Y éste tiene combustible para regalar:

2 CFT + internal + 2 subalares de 600 galones + bajo fuselaje de 300 galones.

Da como resultado:

The proposed extended-range F-16ES (Enhanced Strategic) version of the Fighting Falcon was originally developed for the Israeli strike fighter competition. In order to provide increased range, conformal fuel tanks which hold an extra 3,200 lb. of fuel were to be fitted. When combined with a 320-gal. centerline tank and two 600-gal. underwing tanks, the F-16ES has an unrefueled mission radius of 1,025 mi. when carrying a typical strike load of two 2,000-lb. bombs and four air-to-air missiles. That represents a 40% increase over the range of the current U.S. Air Force block 50 F-16C and is roughly equivalent to that of the F-15E, according to Lockheed. However, this project lost out to the McDonnell Douglas Strike Eagle in the competition.

In addition to the conformal fuel tanks, the F-16ES also features an internal forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system, which basically replicates the capabilities of the LANTIRN navigation and targeting system without the drag associated with external pods. Following the loss of the Israeli strike fighter competition to the F-15I Strike Eagle (the Israeli export version of the F-15E), Lockheed has resurrected the project following an expression of interest by several other nations. A.o., Lockheed offered the F-16 block 60 (sometimes referred to as the F-16U) to the United Arab Emirates. It includes the conformal fuel tanks and the internal FLIR.

Bestial sería tener el mismo alcance que el Strike Eagle, pero no se si necesitaríamos tanto alcance.

Aunque los accesorios están homologados.

De momento, lo oficial es que la modernización se remitirá sólo a electrónica:

Chile eyes F-16 upgrades, new AESA radars

Jose Higuera - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

02 November 2017

The Chilean Air Force is studying options for upgrading its fleet of 46 F-16 fighters to keep the aircraft up-to-date through the 2030s, and any resulting programme would become the service's top priority, senior military sources in Santiago told Jane’s .

The plan, set to be launched between 2018 and 2021, aims to fit Chile’s F-16s with a new mission electronics package built around a synthetic aperture, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. A new mission planning and management system, new Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)/Electronic Support Measures (ESM) system, and upgrades in the cockpit would also be included.

According to the sources, the studies are also considering increasing the number of Block 50 aircraft, adding six to eight to the current fleet of 10 Block 50s; and how many of the 36 mid-life upgrade second-hand aircraft bought from the Netherlands would be upgraded.


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