Miedo en New York - Air Force One volando bajo


Susto en Nueva York al verse un 747 «Air Force One» volando bajo y escoltado por cazas

Tal y como cuentan en Air Force One Backup Rattles New York Nerves el VC-25/747 que se utiliza como reserva del Air Force One puso a prueba los nervios de los ciudadanos de Manhattan al volar bajo sobre la ciudad escoltado por dos cazas F-16. Todo resultó ser un montaje para realizar unas fotografías del avión sobre la ciudad de Nueva York, pero como no parece que se hubiera coordinado adecuadamente causó cierta confusión e incluso dicen que pánico hacia las diez de la mañana entre algunos de los habitantes de la ciudad. Varios edificios se evacuaron

Miren el video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYIY...lando-bajo-cazas.html&feature=player_embedded
Fuente: http://avion.microsiervos.com


A number of buildings in New York City were evacuated Monday morning after a trio of low-flying planes flew near the Statue of Liberty.

“An Air Force One lookalike, the backup plane for the one regularly used by the president, flew low over Manhattan on Monday morning, accompanied by two F-16 fighters, so Air Force photographers could take pictures,” the New York Times reports. “But a lack of awareness about the flyover led to the evacuation of several buildings in Lower Manhattan and Jersey City, N.J., and perplexed officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and other authorities were inundated with calls from anxious ferry passengers, office workers and residents in the area.”

“It is pre-planned, pre-coordinated with everyone involved,” FAA spokesman Jim Peters said. “It’s a military flight over New York to take photos.”

Peters added, “We’ve gotten reports several buildings in Jersey City were evacuated.”

One eyewitness told the New York Times, “People came pouring out of the buildings, the American Express Building, all the buildings in the Financial District by the water. And even the construction guys over by 100 North End Avenue area, they all got out of their buildings. Nobody knew about it. Finally some guy showed up with a little megaphone to tell everyone it was a test, but the people were not happy. The people who were here 9/11 were not happy. New York City police were standing right there and they had no knowledge of it. The evacuations were spontaneous. Guys from the floor came out, and one guy I talked to was just shaking.”

One NYC television station received a number of phone calls from New York City residents “furious that local authorities hadn’t notified anyone about the fly-over.”

“According to many callers who flooded CBS 2 with their concerns, at about 10 a.m. the aircraft were seen flying at low altitudes over the Statue of Liberty and parts of lower Manhattan,” WCBS reports.

One sample follows: “We saw a low-flying 747 buzz the Southwest edge of Manhattan, at Battery Park City, with a fighter jet appearing to chase it on its left wing. At about Rector Street or so, it took a hard left and looked to be headed straight for Jersey City. It flew over J.C., turned south, and continued to climb over Newark. It left our sight, only to return on the same path a second time about five minutes later. It was confusing and panicked the office. We dialed 9-1-1 and considered whether to evacuate. We were told by 9-1-1 that it was ‘authorized’ to be there. We later learned, from your website, that it was part of a DOD ‘photo op.’ NotifyNYC advises it was ‘part of an approved federal activity.’ To conduct a ‘photo op,’ unwarned in advance to Lower Manhattan residents and workers, in that manner was completely irresponsible.”

Newsday notes, “About 1,000 workers gathered along the Hudson River esplanade until a security officer with a bullhorn told them it was a planned exercise.”

“After the incident, New York City released an advisory that the flyover was ‘part of an approved federal activity,’” Reuters reports.

However, a city official revealed that the NYPD had been advised not to warn the public.

The Times reports, “Later on Monday morning, the Police Department acknowledged that it had been notified about the event but said it had been barred from alerting the public. ‘The flight of a VC-25 aircraft and F-16 fighters this morning was authorized by the F.A.A. for the vicinity of the Statue of Liberty with directives to local authorities not to disclose information about it but to direct any inquiries to the F.A.A. Air Traffic Security Coordinator,’ the Police Department said in a statement.”

A New York Post article claims, “The mayor’s office was told the jets would only buzz the Statue of Liberty once, and not fly over downtown three times, a source said.”

“Had we known, we would have pushed back,” the source said, according to the NYC tabloid.

Fuente: http://www.veteranstoday.com


Air Force One Terrorizes New York

New Yorkers have a lot to be worried about these days. President Obama's plane shouldn't be one of them.

About four hours ago, a Boeing 747 flew low over Lower Manhattan, trailed by two F-16 fighter jets. Can you guess the first thought most New Yorkers had upon seeing that sight? That's right, they thought that Mayor Bloomberg was on his morning commute from the Upper East Side to City Hall.

No, just kidding. They of course immediately thought of September 11th, and did the sensible thing: panic.

An Air Force One lookalike, the backup plane for the one regularly used by the president, flew low over Manhattan on Monday morning, accompanied by two F-16 fighters, so Air Force photographers could take pictures. But a lack of awareness about the flyover led to the evacuation of several buildings in Lower Manhattan and Jersey City, and perplexed officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and other authorities were inundated with calls from anxious ferry passengers, office workers and residents.

You read that right: it was President Obama's plane, there for a photo op. We sure hope that 2010 Executive Branch Wall Calendar looks spectacular.

As a side note, the 747 in question was technically just an "Air Force One lookalike" because the President was not on it at the time. If he had been on it (and he does use this plane frequently), it would have officially been Air Force One. In fact, if Obama got on Continental Airlines Flight 1178 from Denver to Cincinnati, that would be Air Force One.

Fuente: http://www.politicsdaily.com
UFFF, les quedo una paranoia terrible.
Aun que joda decirlo, el atentado del 11-S logro su objetivo.
Ahora, al que se le ocurrio hacer estas fotos, no se le ocurrio que podia pasar esto??


UFFF, les quedo una paranoia terrible.
Aun que joda decirlo, el atentado del 11-S logro su objetivo.
Ahora, al que se le ocurrio hacer estas fotos, no se le ocurrio que podia pasar esto??

Seguro que se le ocurrio, tal vez ahí este el curro, ¿cuanta publicidad gratuita obtuvo? :yonofui:
Resultó ser un montaje para realizar unas fotografías del avión sobre la ciudad de Nueva York ¿Para que, sigo sin entender?
Aca una foto.


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
-Entiendo que puede causar paranoia, pero si viene "escoltado" por dos cazas, por lógica no es un avión o un atentado terrorista.


-Entiendo que puede causar paranoia, pero si viene "escoltado" por dos cazas, por lógica no es un avión o un atentado terrorista.

Pero el problema es que el 98% de la gente no distingue entre las diferencias entre un caza, un avión de transporte o un dirigible.
Ademas si viene escoltado, uno presume, que lo quieren bajar...

Ahora que lindo que las fuerzas armadas se presten para sesiones fotograficas, eso es hacer marketing del bueno!
Obama, "furioso" por el avión oficial que generó pánico en Nueva York

Obama, "furioso" por el avión oficial que generó pánico en Nueva York

Un avión perteneciente al mandatario sobrevoló la Estatua de la Libertad y generó temor entre los neoyorquinos que recuerdan los ataques del 2001. El Jefe de Estado semostró enojado por el hecho

"Antes que nada estoy enojado –furioso es la palabra- porque nunca me avisaron" que un avión iba a sobrevolar a baja altura Manhattan, señaló Obama en su primera reacción cuando supo que un Jumbo del Pentágono realizó una misión sobre esa ciudad que causó pánico entre los residentes.

El mandatario llamó de inmediato a la Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA, por sus siglas en inglés) para pedir explicaciones. Aseguró que la maniobra fue "ridícula" y "sin criterio".

"¿Por qué el Departamento de Defensa iba a querer hacer un vuelo para tomar fotos en los alrededores del World Trade Center? Esto desafía la imaginación", dijo Obama y explicó que si le hubieran consultado, "les hubiera pedido que no lo hicieran".

"Aunque las autoridades federales dieron los pasos indicados para notificar sobre el vuelo, es claro que la misión generó confusión y graves trastornos", dijo Louis Caldera, director de asuntos militares en la Casa Blanca, en un comunicado de prensa. "Me disculpo y asumo la responsabilidad por todos los problemas causados", agregó.

Un avión de la Fuerza Aérea y una de las aeronaves del presidente norteamericano, Barack Obama, sobrevolaron el lunes la Estatua de la Libertad por una producción fotográfica que sobresaltó a algunos neoyorquinos, quienes aún recuerdan los ataques del 2001. Obama no estaba a bordo.

Las autoridades de la ciudad notificaron a los comercios pero no al público en general, sensible a este tipo de incidentes en esa zona de la ciudad, donde ocurrieron los ataques contra el World Trade Center el 11 de septiembre de 2001.

Muchas personas evacuaron sus edificios y los precios de las acciones cayeron en esos momentos.

La Fuerza Aérea, que opera el avión del presidente, dijo que la "misión de fotografía" involucró un avión de combate F-16 y uno de los Boening 747 designados para cuando el presidente se encuentra en el exterior.

El vuelo a media mañana provocó nerviosismo en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York, donde los operadores reportaron haber visto un avión sobrevolando la Estatua de la Libertad, ladearse y volver a repetir la acción.

Tras el incidente, la ciudad emitió un aviso de que el vuelo era "parte de una actividad federal aprobada".

"Decidimos evacuar el edificio por cuenta propia. Le preguntamos a la Policía en la entrada y ellos nos dijeron que no sabían nada. Podría haber causado un pánico mayor", dijo Dominick Caglioti, un operador independiente cuya oficina se encuentra al lado de donde se levantaba el World Trade Center.

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