¿Que avion puede llevar un TAM?


¿Me gustaria saber si tenemos algun avion que pueda llevar un TAM o VCA?

Y si no es asi cual avion si podría.
Nop, los unicos aviones en el mundo que pueden llevar tanques de apartir de 30 Tn son los C-17, C-5, An-124, Il-76, creo que esto son los unicos.
Uno de tantos podria ser el Antonov 124, tambien el El-225 Mriya (clave OTAN cossack) este ultimo es el portador del Buran.
Origen: Russia
Tipo: Transporte estrategico
Aeronaves similares: C-5B Galaxy, C-17A Globemaster III
Envergadura: 73.3 m
Longitud: 69 m
Peso: 405000 kg
Motores: 4 - Lotarev D-18T, 229.9 kN de Empuje
Velocidad de crucero: 865 km/h
Alcance:16,500 km maximo
4,500 km con maxima carga
Tripulacion: 6 o 7 tripulantes
payload:128 a 138 TN.

El A400 , es uno de tantos pero es inviable hacerlo en avion , si es posible se hara por mar , o sobre los camiones , los aviones tienen q sostenerlos logisticamente, junto con los Helos , es ahi donde me parece necesitamos al Mi 26
Muchachos se olvidaron del capo de los aires:Antonov An-225 Mriya capacidad de carga 250 Tn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Buran y An-225

No precisamente en Rusia, sino en Ucrania bajo la empresa Antonov.

El An-70 podría llevar un TAM, el An-124 tambien y
de esos hay muchos, no me quiero olvidar de los Il-76
tambien pueden.

De los americanos, ya los nombraron.


Forista Sancionado o Expulsado
El Lockheed Galaxy C-5 ( de donde evidentemente ce fueron calcados varios aviones rusos,al igual que el C-141 fue reproduido como el IL 76) creo recordar una foto del C-5 donde se estaban cargando dos M-109? a ver si doy con ella,..

Mission Global Airlift: Anything, Anytime, Anywhere

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a heavy logistics military transport aircraft designed to provide world-wide massive strategic airlift. The CONUS-based fleet can provide delivery of palletized, oversized and outsized cargo, as well as passengers or combat-ready troops, anywhere in the world on short notice. The aircraft can takeoff and land in relatively short distances and taxi on substandard surfaces during emergency operations. The C-5 also plays a limited role in the airdrop and special operations arenas.


In 1963, realizing that they needed a jet-powered replacement for the exhausted, turboprop-powered C-133 Cargomaster, the United States Air Force began to study very large logistic transports. After reviewing several airframe designs, they eventually choose one similar to that of the C-141A Starlifter featuring a high-set wing (swept 25 degrees), four underwing jet engines and a T-tail.

This enormous aircraft, first known as the CX-HLS (Cargo Experimental-Heavy Logistics System) transport, was required to carry a payload of 125,000 pounds (56,700kg) over a distance of 8,000 miles (12,875km), or twice that load over a shorter distance. It also had to be able to operate, at maximum weight capacity, from the same runway lengths and semi-prepared runways as the C-141A (8,000 feet (2,438m) takeoff / 4,000 feet (1,219m) landing). Another major requirement, and the most controversial, was the design-life factor for the wing; it must survive for 30,000 flying hours.

The design competition was between Boeing (which entered its initial designs for the Model 747, before it was incorporated as a commercial passenger carrier), Douglas and Lockheed-Georgia. Lockheed won the contract in October 1965 with a design that was an extension of the company's Hercules/Starlifter series. With a gross weight of 764,500 pounds (346,771kg), Lockheed's Model 500, later designated C-5A Galaxy, dwarfed not only other Air Force transports but also every other type of aircraft in existence.

Construction of the prototype began in August 1966. The first C-5A Galaxy (#66-8303) was "rolled out" on 2 March 1968 and prepared for initial flight trials at Lockheed's Marietta plant, located adjacent to Dobbins AFB in Georgia. The maiden flight took place on 30 June 1968 and lasted 94 minutes; Lockheed pilots Leo J. Sullivan and Walter E. Hensleigh were at the controls. (Note: This aircraft was lost following a ground fire on 17 October 1970.)

The first phase of manufacturer's flight trials proceeded without major problems (except for the loss of a main wheel during a routine landing; the media had a field day with this event). In July 1969, full-scale structural ground static tests resulted in a premature wing failure at 84 percent of the scheduled maximum design load. Nevertheless, while corrective measures were devised, flight tests proceeded in Georgia and California, where the 2nd C-5A had been delivered to Edwards AFB on 4 June 1969 to take part in the 6-month joint Air Force/contractor Category I testing.


Commonly described as, "The Box That The C-141 Came In," the C-5A Galaxy was presented to the United States Air Force, for training purposes, in December 1969. The first operational aircraft were delivered to the 437th Military Airlift Wing (MAW), Charleston AFB, SC, in June 1970.

In the mid-1970s, wing cracks were found throughout the fleet. Consequently, all C-5A aircraft were restricted to a maximum of 50,000 pounds (22,680kg) of cargo each. To increase their lifting capability and service life, 77 C-5As underwent a re-winging program from 1981 to 1987. (In the redesigned wing, a new aluminum alloy was used that didn't exist ten years prior.) The final re-winged C-5A was delivered in July 1986.


In 1982, a new production version, the C-5B, was authorized in which all modifications and improvements evolved in the C-5A program were to be incorporated, including upgraded TF-39-GE-1C turbofan engines, extended-life wings, Bendix color weather radar, triple Delco inertial navigation systems (INS), an improved automated flight control system (AFCS) and a new, more advanced Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording System (MADAR II). The C-5B dispensed with the C-5A's complex crosswind landing gear system.

The first flight of the C-5B (#83-1285) took place on 10 September 1985. Delivery of the 50 new aircraft commenced in January 1986 and ended in April 1989. All C-5Bs are scheduled to remain in the active duty force, shared by comparably sized Air Force Reserve associate units.


In the late-1980s, NASA had two C-5As (#68-0213 & #68-0216) modified to accommodate complete satellite and space station components. In each aircraft, the troop compartment, located in the aft upper deck, was removed and the aft cargo-door complex was modified to increase the dimensions of the cargo compartment's aft loading area. Both aircraft are currently assigned to Travis AFB in Fairfield, California and have been redesignated as C-models. (Some unofficial sources claim this modification also enables the C-5C to be used for covert transportation of classified material between Lockheed's Skunk Works in California and the test center at Groom Lake, Nevada, also known as Area 51. Lockheed and the U.S. government will neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of this speculation.)

Until the introduction of the Russian An-124 "Condor" (1982), the C-5A Galaxy was the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world. With its massive payload capacity, it has the capability to carry fully-equipped, combat-ready troops to any area of the world on short notice and provide the field support necessary to maintain a fighting force. Since 1970, it has opened unprecedented dimensions of strategic airlift in support of national defense and is invaluable to the Air Force mission and world-wide humanitarian relief efforts.


Exterior Setup - Four turbofan jet engines, high-set wing (swept 25 degrees), T-tail, forward and rear cargo loading assemblies, and a visor-type upward-hinged nose.

Upper-Deck Accommodations - The forward upper deck (flight deck) seats a cockpit crew of six, a relief crew of seven, and eight dignitaries or couriers; it also has two bunk rooms with three beds in each. The rear upper deck (troop compartment) seats 73 passengers and two loadmasters. Both upper deck compartments are fully pressurized, air-conditioned and incorporate galleys for food preparation and lavatories.

Cargo Compartment - Capacity: 36 fully-loaded 463L-type cargo pallets (88" x 108" @ 10,000 pound (4,536kg) capacity); 270 passengers in the air-bus configuration*; six transcontinental buses; two M1-A1 Abrams main battle tanks; seven UH-1 Huey helicopters; one U.S. Army 74-ton mobile scissors bridge. (A combination of pallets and wheeled vehicles can be carried together when required.)


¿Seria importante tener 2 o 3 aviones que pudieran llevar los TAM o no es una prioridad necesaria?
Seria mas importante tener aviones de carga que puedan llevar todo tipo de carga, pero en especial que pueda trasnportar Hombres.........hoy por hoy para la hipotesis de comflicto que tenemos, los TAM y demas puden transportarse por las rutas ya existentes........

Por ahora creo que necesitamos reactivar y reforzar la flta aerea de trasnporte de las 3 Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas

Saludos a todos
Coincido con Dario Corco, acá hacen falta transportes capaces de movilizar rápidamente hombres y luego los suministros necesarios para mantenerlos combatiendo.
Los carros de combate se transportarían por aire solo cuando haya necesidad de movilizarlos rapidamente (pero muy rapido). Si no me equivoco, su despliegue desde aeronaves se habia previsto mediante el lanzamiento en paracaidas o mediante sistemas de extraccion de baja altitud.


Dario Corco dijo:
Seria mas importante tener aviones de carga que puedan llevar todo tipo de carga, pero en especial que pueda trasnportar Hombres.........hoy por hoy para la hipotesis de comflicto que tenemos, los TAM y demas puden transportarse por las rutas ya existentes........

en camiones y trenes
Muy lindo bicho..pero una ****** para aca...eso es para un proyeccion estrategica como la de usa......nosotros necesitamos mas c130 lo mires x donde lo mires !!!!
los tam que vallan en micro o tren (de paso que se reactive las lineas ferreas como antes de la decada del innombrable)...

Nesecitamos C130, de ultima unos C295 estarian buenos......
Se imaginan a las 3 FFAAss con el mismo medi de trasnporte o C130 para la FAA (10 nuevos) y C295 para LA ARA y EA (3 y 5 resp) !!!!

Estariamos bien parados no ???:D


Repartir transportes entre las tres armas es algo con poco sentido.
Como decía en una entrevista de hace unos años el comandante de la FLOAN española (equivalente al COAN) sobre la incorporación del CN-235 o el C-295.
Las necesidades de la Armada están cubiertas con las Cessna Citation II. Si necesitamos mayor necesidad de carga, el Ejército del Aire se encarga de ello, que para eso está.

Es decir, que ni Ejército de Tierra ni Armada necesitan aviación de transporte. Es el DEBER de la fuerza aérea poner sus medios de transporte a disposición de las otras fuerzas armadas, ya que en caso contrario no tendría sentido su existencia, quedando repartida entre la fuerza terrestre y la armada.


Analista de Temas de Defensa
Desgraciadamente mover un TAM en avion no sirve de nada
Para que sirva tenes que estar en condiciones de mover 40 TAM(un regimiento) y los costos operativos de adquisicion y mantenimiento no se justifican para nuestras necesidades operativas

Con transportadores de tanques y trenes se soluciona de una manera razonable.

Ahora para eso el EA tiene la FDR con los 2 regimientos de PARA y el Regimiento de asalto aereo, las companias 601 y 602 de comandos y el batallon de recon con Hummer , lo que le falta a estas unidades es armamento antitanque(TOW-C90C,Etc) , Stinger y armamento ligero acorde a las cirscunstancias asi como chalecos antibala y otros equipos como morteros de 120 mm modernos y agregarles un regimiento de 24 155/39 mm muchos 4x4 gauchos con 12.70 y lanzagranada Mk 4 o superiors y tiene solo un pequeña fraccion del costo de adquisicion de tantos avionews

esto es mas razonable que mover TAM por aire

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