90Respecto de Inskip: "missile splashed", no es analogía de "missile hit"
El relato del libro de Inskip es tan confuso que sospecho algunas cosas las invento.
At 1730 we detached for the TARA. Five minutes later the
dreaded cry ‘Handbrake’ came over the intercom. The ship
went to action stations and we immediately reversed course to
regain our original station on Circle 5.
Aca dice que se dirigian al TARA que esta al E, por lo que tendrian que haber tomado un rumbo aprox 90. Y que con la alarma dan la vuelta, presumiblemente al 270?
A Lynx reported a smoke trail
coming in our direction and we increased speed and pointed
the threat. I sighted the smoke trail fine on the starboard bow
and immediately turned the ship to point the smoke, informing
the ops room of this sighting and that I had turned towards this
Aumenta velocidad y dos cambios de rumbos.
Logra virar 180° y ademas cambia de rumbo dos veces en....3 minutos...?