¿Qué avión considerás el indicado cómo paso temporal en la FAA?

¿Qué avión considerás el indicado cómo paso temporal en la FAA?

  • F-16 Block 30/32

    Votos: 8 2,5%
  • F-16 Block 40/42

    Votos: 22 6,8%
  • M-2000C S3

    Votos: 12 3,7%
  • M-2000-5 MK2

    Votos: 84 26,0%
  • F-18A+ (modernizado)

    Votos: 68 21,1%
  • Kfir C10

    Votos: 48 14,9%
  • Cheetah

    Votos: 22 6,8%
  • Mirage F-1CJ

    Votos: 14 4,3%
  • F-5E

    Votos: 7 2,2%
  • Mantener éstos SdA hasta que se pueda incorporar un avión 0 Km.

    Votos: 38 11,8%

  • Total de votantes
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para mi que son 5, porque hubo problemas con vibraciones provocadas por los P4 en los F-5E en las punteras alares y se desaconsejo su uso en su momento


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Python 5
Fuente: www.israeli-weapons.com (el sitio está hecho percha... lo tenía guardado en mi HD)

The Python 5 is the latest generation of RAFAEL's short range air-to-air missiles. It employs the most recent cutting-edge technologies in the field of air-to-air missiles.. The missile is a result of intensive research and long experience, to ensure high levels of air superiority. The work on the Python 5 air-to-air missile began in 1997, although first thoughts had been raised in the early 90's. One of the most significant decisions about the new missile was choosing the Python 4's aero dynamical configuration. The designers had realized that the Python 4's unique configuration had yet to exploit its full potential. Both missiles rely on aero dynamics rather than on vector steering - a technology which suffers from several problems such as relying on the rocket's fuel that can run out and leave the missile ineffective. The Python 5 missile's aero dynamical configuration contributes a lot to its performance even when its rocket stops working. Moreover, using the same configuration saves millions of dollars in the R&D process.


Then what makes the Python 5 so revolutionary?
By definition, the Python 5 is considered to be a short range air-to-air missile, yet its range exceeds regular air-to-air missiles, and is more close to what is technically called BVR (beyond visual range) missiles. Those missiles can be shot upon targets which are not visually seen at the moment of launch, and are acquired by the missile itself during its flight path. New technologies implemented in the Python 5 give it maneuvering and launching skills unimaginable just few years ago. Instead of talking about certain “killing hemisphere” we are talking about an ability to shoot any target at any angle, including backwards launch (!). This ability is possible by applying LOAL (lock on after launch) technology. In oppose to LOBL (lock on before launch), that is used in all short range air-to-air missiles (excluding the Python 5 of course) in LOAL mode the pilot can launch a missile without being locked on the target, by getting the aircraft's estimated location from an array of sensors which are deployed on the launching aircraft. From the moment the Python 5 is launched, its head seeker scans the designated area constantly while it flies in a direct path to the estimated location of the target. Once the missile “sees” the target, it employs its unique, first of its kind, electro-optical head-seeker and locks on the target. Then the missile switches to a close hunt combat which holds no future to the target aircraft.


Conventional air-to-air missiles see targets as dots - a fact which makes it hard for the missile to tell between true or false targets .The Python 5's head seeker literally sees a clear image of the target and background, giving it an incredible advantage over other missiles by authenticating the target, thus reducing the chance of being mislead by counter measures. Using this technology allows the luxury of locking on a target after the launch. The transition to this unique technology required a development by RAFAEL, which exists in only several countries in the world. Using an electro-optical head seeker also makes it easier to locate and lock on low-heat signature aircrafts such as UAVs, helicopters or even cruise missiles. These aircrafts can fly very close to the ground and can be very hard to detect using regular head seekers. The Python 5 with the electro-optical head can easily accomplish that, by creating a sharp target image and locking on it. In order to achieve perfect performance and tracking ability, the engineers at RAFAEL tested the Python 5 against all advanced counter measures. Usually this is a tough challenge, as the missile would have to handle counter measures in the future. But that was not an impossible challenge to RAFAEL, which also develops the future counter measures. The unique head-seeker also extends the lethality of the missile by aiming it to the target's most vulnerable areas. Most heat seeking missiles tend to home on the hottest spot of the aircraft which is normally the rear exhaust system. In modern combat history, some aircrafts that were hit by a missile in that area, managed to survive the flight until the landing. The Python 5, which acquires a sharp image of the target can home on the most critical areas of the aircraft, such as the cockpit or the central area, and significantly improve the chances for a shot down.


Another key element of the super advanced Python 5 is its computer system. In order to support its sophisticated head-seeker, the engineers had to fit a great amount of computing power into the missile. In fact, the computer of the Python 5 requires a hundred times more computing power than the one installed in the Python 4. One of the fears of the designers was systems overheating, which could halt all the development process. In order to maintain the temperatures low, the algorithms were simplified so that the calculations would be easier to perform. The designers took in consideration the fact that in a few years the computers would be more powerful than those existed during the development, and indeed during that period the computers in the missile had been replaced twice. The result was amazing - an on board computer which is more powerful than the aircrafts computers of the Israeli air force altogether.

Track record

When the time came to start conducting test sessions of the missile, the designers were pretty much confident with their missile. Normally, the testing part of a missile is one of the most expensive parts of the development. Each launch costs millions of dollars, and only few superpowers can afford such costs without thinking twice. The Americans conduct dozens of launches when developing a new missile and RAFAEL does not have these amounts of money to perform endless launches. In a regular test session, the missile is tested progressively, thru several phases which start from simple ones and end with the toughest. The Python 5 was ready to deal with a tough challenge – being tested in a complicated scenario right from the beginning. Instead of going thru all the regular test phases, the Python 5 was ready to take a test which seemed to be impossible to several people at the Israeli air force. The target was a low-signature UAV which was flying at low altitude in a hot desert area. Not like the previous test of the Python 4, the UAV was not equipped with a flare to make it easier on the missile. When looking at the video of the head-seeker, it is very hard to see the target in a human eye. The missile was about to be launched from an F-16, flying 15,000 feet above the UAV. According to plan, the Python 5 was launched from the F-16, and started to fly sharply downwards, chasing the target. In the video, the UAV can be identified only few seconds before the missile reaches it, but the Python 5 locked on the target long before that. The test was crowned to be a complete success, and the Python 5 proved itself to be the best air-to-air missile in the world. Until then, no missile in the world could perform such shot down. But that was just the beginning. The second missile was the most amazing one. For security reasons the second test cannot be described, but what can be said is that for the first time in the world, a heat-seeking air-to-air missile managed to lock on a target – after the launch (LOAL). The missile showed its performance in the extreme corners of its flight envelope. There may be more that this missile could do, but what the Python 5 did there, will probably not be done by other missiles in some years.

The Python 5 is a phenomenon in the missile industry. Like a natural born athlete it has all the skills that make it the best. The engineers at RAFAEL never passed him thru conventional tests. They directly sent it to run at the Olympics.

Length ...................... 3096 mm
Span ........................ 640mm
Body ......................... 16 cm
Weight ..................... 103.6 kg (warhead over 11 kg)
Guidance Type ........ Electro-Optical
Model ...................... 1 x spr.
Speed ...................... 4 Mach
Range ..................... More than 20 km


y hay alguna diferencia externa entre un Py4 y un Py5??... pq para mi son iguales

me parece que habian algunas diferencias de distribuciones internas de pesos, pero voy a buscarlo bien, porque me habia sorprendido ese detalle
No no... yo solo festejo que el Gripen esta ganado adeptos dentro del foro. Imginate como festejaria si los ganara tambien dentro de las esferas de poder del gobierna!:svengo:

No recuerdo que nadie halla dicho que va a venir el Gripen, son solo expreciones de deseo que tenemos algunos. Sabemos que nos vamos a terminar por conformar con los Kfir C-10, ya que es lo mejor que se puede hacer ahora:banghead:

Buenas noches!

Duwa, para cuando las esferas del gobierno, puedan ver y razonar lo que nos conviene, saab va a estar produciendo el GRIPEN TRANSFORMER



Co-laborador ZM
Miembro del Staff
Argos,no pude subir la nota con la revista,pongo lo que a mi entender es lo más importante.
Hoy dia,30 años después,el Viggen esta en el crepúsculo de su vida operativa.Su sucesor,el SAAB 39 Grippen equipa cada vez mas unidades de primera linea en la Fligvapnet.Originalmente, se habia planificado mantener un número limitado de viggen en servicio al costado del Grippen hasta el 2007, pero como consecuencia de la última serie de recortes del presupuesto de defensa sueco, los últimos Viggen seran retirados a finales del 2003.Muchos de estos excelentes aviones ya han sido dados de baja y desguazados.
La producción de primera generación totalizó 180 ejemplares.
-108 AG37 de ataque
-18 SK37 de entrenamiento
-28SH de reconocimiento radar
-28SF37 de reconocimiento fotográfico...........
SAAB desarrollo un Viggen de segunda generación optimizado para el combate aéreo.
-149 JA37 casa de defensa aérea...........
Los primeros Viggen fuéron retirados en 1993, cuando un cierto número de AJ37 causaron baja y fuéron desguazados. A partir de 1997 se contempló la retirada de los SF/SH37 e incluso JA37. Durante la última década el número de escuadrones dotados con el Viggen se há reducido a gran velocidad. De 17 en 1990, a 14 en 1993, 10 en 1999, 9 en el 2001, 6 en el 2002, 3 en el 2003, y 0 en el 2004. Hasta la fecha más de 100 Viggen han sido desmantelado y posteriormente desguazado, mientras que al primero de diciembre del 2000 la plantilla del Viggen de la Flygvapnet consistia en 4 SK37,10 SK37E, 10 AJSF37, 15 AJSH37, y unos 100 JA37. No hay en servicio ningún AJS37.
PD:perdon por OT
Argos,no pude subir la nota con la revista,pongo lo que a mi entender es lo más importante.
Hoy dia,30 años después,el Viggen esta en el crepúsculo de su vida operativa.Su sucesor,el SAAB 39 Grippen equipa cada vez mas unidades de primera linea en la Fligvapnet.Originalmente, se habia planificado mantener un número limitado de viggen en servicio al costado del Grippen hasta el 2007, pero como consecuencia de la última serie de recortes del presupuesto de defensa sueco, los últimos Viggen seran retirados a finales del 2003.Muchos de estos excelentes aviones ya han sido dados de baja y desguazados.
La producción de primera generación totalizó 180 ejemplares.
-108 AG37 de ataque
-18 SK37 de entrenamiento
-28SH de reconocimiento radar
-28SF37 de reconocimiento fotográfico...........
SAAB desarrollo un Viggen de segunda generación optimizado para el combate aéreo.
-149 JA37 casa de defensa aérea...........
Los primeros Viggen fuéron retirados en 1993, cuando un cierto número de AJ37 causaron baja y fuéron desguazados. A partir de 1997 se contempló la retirada de los SF/SH37 e incluso JA37. Durante la última década el número de escuadrones dotados con el Viggen se há reducido a gran velocidad. De 17 en 1990, a 14 en 1993, 10 en 1999, 9 en el 2001, 6 en el 2002, 3 en el 2003, y 0 en el 2004. Hasta la fecha más de 100 Viggen han sido desmantelado y posteriormente desguazado, mientras que al primero de diciembre del 2000 la plantilla del Viggen de la Flygvapnet consistia en 4 SK37,10 SK37E, 10 AJSF37, 15 AJSH37, y unos 100 JA37. No hay en servicio ningún AJS37.
PD:perdon por OT

ojo... no confundir los AJ/SK/SF37 con los JA37... ya que estos ultimos les llevan al menos 15 años de ventaja a los primeros...
sin lugar a dudas que los desguazados fueron los AJ37, la version de ataque... ya que del armamento guiado que utilizaban (los RBS-04, RBS-05) fueron dados de baja hace años...
los SF/SK eran versiones especializadas de reconocimiento... y sus equipos tambien estan caducos... no es extraño entonces que estos tambien fueran a desguace...
muy distinto es el caso de los AJS-37 (ultima version de ataque producida, en realidad, modernizacion de los AJ) que pueden utilizar los Mavericks y RBS-15... y los ya nombrados JA-37.. la ultima version producida , especializada en caza con funcion sec. de ataque.. y su actualizacion la JA37e33... con equipos similares a los Gripen de primera serie.... no se si realmente se llego a producir en cantidad esta version.... pero si hoy hay algun Viggen volando... con seguridad son de alguna de estas versiones.

el problema de los JA-37 es que utilizaban solo misiles SARH , en complemento con los IIR, la version Edit33 corregia eso haciendo al Viggen compatible con los AMRAAM...pero, como dije, desconozco el estado actual de estos.. si es que llegaron a entrar en servicio realmente...


Co-laborador ZM
Miembro del Staff
berkut;me olvide de poner al pie del resumen de donde saque el texto,Fuerza Aerea, año IV,vol.3,n*17 del año 2000,osea que la info.tiene 10 años,supongo que hoy dia no debe quedar ningun Viggen en serv.
PD:exelente la aclaracion


Co-laborador ZM
Miembro del Staff
Eso me da mucha bronca,pensar que nuestros pilotos vuelan en aviones mas viejos,gracias por el dato
Lo mismo sentí :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Pero no es el tema del topic.

Volvamos a la discusión del "temporario"



Co-laborador ZM
Miembro del Staff
Con todo respeto,aca tambien hay pilotos que vuelan C-130,un avion con 40 años de serv. y re contra valido en sus funciones,al igual que el B-52 en las que le corresponde.
cuando yo puse que me daba bronca me referia a la situación en que se encuentra la FAA
en todo sus niveles de eqipamiento,Fimback
(borre el titulo)

Argentina seeks secondhand fighter purchase
Argentina is examining a $100 million proposal to buy 12 ex-Jordanian air force Dassault Mirage F1CJ fighters and one F1BJ trainer, having rejected a Spanish offer for a similar number of F1s. The deal is being considered as its remaining Mirage IIIEA/DAs are due to be withdrawn in 2012.

In a separate move also intended to enhance its air force's air defence capabilities, Buenos Aires is considering the purchase of two Saab 340s equipped with Erieye airborne early warning radars.

The developments come after defence minister Nilda Garré earlier this month outlined a short-term plan to bolster Argentina's military aviation elements.

Two Mil Mi-17V1s will be bought under a $20 million deal to restore the air force's heavylift helicopter capability, lost since the deactivation of its last Boeing CH-47C Chinook.

Funds have also been allocated to overhaul and modernise the army's three Eurocopter AS332B Super Pumas, and to complete a Huey II upgrade to part of its Bell UH-1H fleet.

A new tri-service helicopter school at Campo de Mayo will also receive five new Bell 206Ls

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