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Noticias Rusas
Nota: un dólar ( USD ) equivale a 26,951 rublos .

The Commander-in-Chief’s Lifting Force

Air force commander Vladimir Mikhaylov is preparing flight for airplanes of a new generation

((EXTRACT of longer article.))

Military aviation is changing wings. As early as next year a super fighter with principally new capabilities will appear among those who did not know of the MiG and Sukhoy competition.

In an interview for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Hero of Russia and air force commander-in-chief Vladimir Mikhaylov disclosed the military secrets of reequipping our combat aviation which was called in the president’s address among the priorities of upgrading the military.

- Vladimir Sergeevich, you unexpectedly for many dropped a power information bomb on our neighbors from Ukraine, declaring that the air force is abandoning their pride and hope – the An-70 airplane, because after revisions, it has become too heavy.

- That’s correct.

- But Russia, you know, if one is to believe the press, has invested four billion dollars into this airplane. Who will be responsible now?

- There is a risk in the creation of any new equipment. And I consider asking the question, “Who will be responsible?” as incorrect.

Having accepted our present position, I began to follow the An-70’s development especially attentively. I saw that there are huge technical difficulties with putting it into series production. I learned that the preliminary decision had been signed with violations of the controlling documents.

There were two such deficiencies with which it was forbidden to sign. But they signed. Something like while maintaining friendship with Ukraine. But it is not allowed to be good at the state’s expense, nonetheless while violating the rules for creation of aircraft equipment.

Afterwards even the Ukrainians themselves understood that something isn’t right here. The first aircraft had crashed, the second also should have been lost in an accident because of deficiencies. But, fortunately, the engine malfunction occurred at a low altitude and it fell into deep snow.

The story of this airplane was supposed to end as early as 2001. But they decided to finish it. As a result, after all the modification, it fell from the medium category into the heavy category, where the Il-76 already is.

- You even earlier had come out against the An-70, but the politicians corrected you. And are you feeling pressure from above now?

- No. And afterwards it was useless to pressure me.

A five-fold reduction

- The feeling is that we are sending the newest and most improved airplanes abroad. But the old ones stay with us. Aren’t you ashamed as the commander-in-chief?

- I am ready to accept this blame, but we got into what we have gotten into. I won’t tell you about perestroika and the other processes that were destructive for the country. But up to now, insufficient funds have been allocated for the purchase of new airplanes. At the end of the ‘80s we got 600 aircraft a year, in ’89, for example, 647 new airplanes and helicopters. But in ’92 - zero.

- But the Yeltsin epoch is going into the history books, and they already are looking for Putin’s successor. And the air force doesn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.

- The situation is not hopeless. You see, since the break up of the USSR there has been a powerful reduction in the number of our troops. Remember: 500,000 were in the air force, 500,000 in the air defense forces, a million-man army! But now, after unification of the air force and air defense forces, there are less than 200,000, a five-fold decrease.

At the same time, enough airplanes remained - why buy something if they still haven’t gotten old? And if I take new ones, where do I put them? Which are supposed to operate up to 2015 - 2020 and some even to 2025. It is really unwise. But if the Soviet structure, let’s suppose, had been preserved, then the new airplane actually would have been needed - for gradual renovation of the fleet. But today we have gone another way.

- How?

- We have preserved the whole scientific potential of aircraft building and helicopter building. And we are using the export of airplanes in order to develop new equipment with the money received. As a result, since 2002 we have begun to work on the fifth generation airplane, on lightweight, medium and heavy transport airplanes, on a training airplane and on a helicopter. We already have had the trainer show up - the Yak-130. In April 2005, tests ended of the Il-76MF heavy transport, and there is a decision that it has to be manufactured. If there were money.

But if I buy 5 – 10 new aircraft, they will not change the situation with the repair of aircraft equipment. And having spent all the funds on hand for their purchase, I will make a mess of the repair of the existing fleet. So one has to be manipulative.

Nonetheless, the main thing: The Yak-130 is flying, the Il-112 will fly soon, the medium transport too, and the heavy transport is flying. Plus, we have been counting on upgrade. The Su-25SM, Su-24M, Su-27SM, MiG-29SMT – all these aircraft already have new avionics.

- What does this mean?

- First, the cockpits are different, second, they are standardized. If an airmen sits with eyes closed in an airplane, he will not understand in which one he turned up. So these upgraded airplanes will allow us to maintain the fleet to 2015 and even to 2025. And during this time work on new examples will be underway.

The same thing with helicopters. So, nothing has been lost, it is not worth crabbing your head and lament that we have been damned.

- Is it a question only of money?

- It is interesting that even the money needed is not very much. For three and a bit more billion rubles, we overhauled 106 airplanes last year, 76 helicopters, 364 engines and a number of other components. In airplanes, this is four regiments, in which connection overhaul has been only in our repair plants, plus helicopters – three regiments. 182 aircraft, now we have all of them with two engines, fly on overhauled engines. And if you add here also the overhaul performed by industry, we don’t look so bad.

The fifth generation is not for everyone

- It seems that Russia’s chief hope in the sky is the fifth generation fighter. It won’t allow us to fall behind the U.S., it will allow the winning of any aerial battle, and even bring in billions from export. And suddenly not so long ago you declared that the funds allocated for the development of this hope are going for other purposes. In particular, for the creation of a new civil airplane with the non-Russian designation RRG ((sic, means RRJ))…

- It wasn’t all quite like that. I said that if there weren’t a RRG program at the Sukhoy firm, most likely we would have moved the fifth generation more vigorously. You see, if a man is involved with two direction, while considering one of them a priority, then he lets the second slip somewhat. And that statement has had a result: Sukhoy general director Mikhail Pogosyan called me an hour later: “I’m not letting anything slip!” And after this we suppressed it like that…

As a result we are completing the second stage of the airplane’s creation. Because of that, I have no doubts that the fifth generation fighter will fly in the established time, that is, in 2006.

- Work in full swing on the fight generation fighter Will a new generation of our most threatening weapon – strategic bombers – be created?

- Here in front of me is a model of the Tu-160 – there is no better or more beautiful airplane in the world! One problem – it was developed in the ‘70s, and the avionics are somewhat aged. The questions will be taken up after the upgrade. If necessary – we will have a second, third upgrade. But you see, the airframe itself is somewhat of an expensive thing, it can fly a minimum of 50 years! And this aircraft only reached the inventory in ’86, that is, there are not less than 30 more years it can live.

- And in your opinion there is no need for a new generation of strategics ?

- I repeat: there is a need for upgrade of the existing Tu-160 fleet. The same thing with the Tu-95. This is a splendid aircraft that has a respectable range. It is beyond our means to change such airplanes for new in 15 – 20 years! And it never was so. We had the Su-7B. Then the Su-7BM, the Su-7BKL… It was practically one and the same airframe, but the Su-7B – it is one type, and the Su-7BM – another.

When I was a cadet, I flew on the Su-7B. And it somehow malfunctioned. They said to me: it’s nothing, you will fly on the other aircraft. I approached and looked and it was an Su-7BM, and its cockpit was completely different. I said: Huh? And in answer to me: There is nothing to fear. They showed me the difference. I took off. I had just landed – the unit commander ran up: you understand that airmen of class are confirmed with the familiarization of this new type of airplane, and you are a cadet who has a flying time of 25 hours in an Su-7B, you have gotten into an Su-7BM!

Passions around the “Black Shark”

- Another hope of the Russian air force is the Su-25 which is replacing the Su-24 tactical bomber. When will it reach a regiment?

- We will receive the two first series-built aircraft as early as this year.

- Are these the ones they showed the defense minister at Novosibirsk not so long ago?

- Precisely. One aircraft is in the assembly hall right now, its readiness is very high. And the second is under construction, it is supposed to go somewhere in September. Money has been allocated especially for the Su-35 – 1,600,000,000 ((rubles)).

By the we have found a common language with the Novosibirsk APO general director. if we cannot lower the price, then it will slow down production of the series aircraft. ((Money stuff snipped.)) - And what about the Ka-50 and Ka-52 helicopters – the “Black Shark” and the “Alligator”? They have made a movie about them, written poems. Generally they have been advertised around the world, but we aren’t buying them for ourselves.

- I agree, the Ka-52 is a good aircraft in principle. But it has more deficiencies that, for example, the Mi-28 has. So it is no accident both the president and all the rest adopted the Mi-28 as the basic helicopter for our army aviation. And the Ka-52 and Ka-60 – it modification as it were, will be adopted into the inventory in a limited quantity. For special operations.

Although the Mi-28 doesn’t exactly execute any special operations – some are in the mountains, some are not in the mountains. It has fine engines, a static ceiling up to 6,000 meters – this is the altitude at which the helicopter can hover, and this meant, it can land in the mountains. But we don’t even need anything higher than 5,000, because a man only can operate in a mask there.

So I am convinced: The decision that the Mi-28 is the main aircraft is correct. And the Kamov firm’s helicopters will go for export and for execution of special missions.

((Short discussion snipped that Mikhaylov believes creation of unified aviation corporation – OAK – is a good idea.))

Rossiyskaya Gazeta Report

General of the Army Vladimir Mikhaylov was born outside of Moscow in 1943. He went through all his command responsibilities in aviation all the way to North Caucuses military district air force commander. An air army under Mikhaylov’s command participated in combat operations during the first Chechen campaign. In 1998, he was transferred to air force headquarters to the deputy CinC responsibility. On 21 January 2002, he was named Russian Federation air force commander-in-chief.

During his service, he mastered 28 types of airplanes, and has flown 6,000 hours. Hero of Russia. Honored military airman.

Russia’s main air force helicopter is the Mi-28

Despite the fact that the first flight of the Mi-28 was made as early as December 1982 (the night variant Mi-28N was developed in 1995), it has no counterparts to this time. 12.7-millimeter rounds do not penetrate the helicopter’s front armored glass, and the body sustains a blow from the American 20-millimeter “Vulcan” cannon. t is able to fly in any weather and time of day and night, it can operate freely in heat over 50 degrees which appreciably expands its export potential. It is relatively inexpensive: market price of the Mi-28 is up to eight million dollars. For comparison: its main competitor -- the American “Apache” helicopter – costs over 24 million dollars.

Fifth generation fighter

Up to now there is no single opinion relative to the fact what criteria distinguish a fifth generation airplane from predecessors. Usually experts place the emphasis on stealth ((NEZAMETNOST’)), supersonic cruising speed in non-afterburning regime, ultra-maneuverability and, mainly – principally new aircraft systems. The task before Russian designers is to create an aircraft with characteristics better than the Americans. The main emphasis at the same time is supposed to be placed on the automation of a number of processes with the aid of the newest intelligence systems.

Source: 17.05.06, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Correspondent: Igor’ Chernyak
Las declaraciones de Vladimir Mikhaylov son muy similares a las de Schiaffino.... justifican un estado lamentable de sus respectivas armas.

Lo concreto del artículo es que el caza de quinta generación posiblemente volará éste año, pero nadie sabe cuándo entrará en servicio, con lo cual no es muy lógico el comentario de "no quedarse atrás de EEUU" cuando hoy son más de 70 los F-22 Raptor en servicio operativo.

Es muy claro que Rusia ha perdido una generación en la aviación de combate, se pueden dar muchas explicaciones y números, pero hoy no cuenta con un sólo avión de 4º generación, ni radares AESA ni mucho menos aeronaves stealth. Sin dudas deberá adaptarse a sus posibilidades económicas, hacer la suya y olvidarse de correr por detrás de EEUU.


Más claro imposible, teniendo en cuenta que dijo que se invirtieron 1600 M de rublos en el SU-35 cuando ese dinero es + ó - 60 M de dólares ... Es imposible que los rusos, por mejores costos de producción que presenten y estiren la guita, tengan algo parecido al Raptor.


que se enojen conmigo por lo que voy a decir pero ,, los militares nazis avanzaron mucho en material aeronautico,, y me encantan los aviones nazis de la 2gm, tambien extraño la urss ,, ay dios ,, lo ke el comunismo de guerra podia aser con dinero


totalmente offtopic... pero yo tambien comparto que los alemanes crearon muchas de las tencologias que hoy mismo siguen revolucionando la industria belica , y todo eso lo chupamos en parte nosotros , en parte la URSS y en parte EEUU como tambien muchos mas
SnAkE_OnE dijo:
totalmente offtopic... pero yo tambien comparto que los alemanes crearon muchas de las tencologias que hoy mismo siguen revolucionando la industria belica , y todo eso lo chupamos en parte nosotros , en parte la URSS y en parte EEUU como tambien muchos mas

Dicen que como muestra vale un botón. Miren el ángulo de la flecha alar de un Me-262. Luego miren la flecha alar de todos los Boeing y Airbus existentes. Descubrieron el ABC del 75% de la aviación actual.
Mató al Ka-50!!! Quien va a comprarlo ahora? Los de kamov se estan cortando las venas! Acaba de decir que el Mi-28 (*Havok*) es una excelente aeronave a 8 Mill dol. y que kamov se va a dedicar a exportar (¿?a quien¿?)
Habrá querido decir:
"Kamov va a tener que buscar suerte en otra parte, y por cierto antes de terminar la charlita.... recomiendo el Mi-28 es eficiente y barato. Tengan mucha suerte muchachos de Kamov, los apoyamos desde aca"

P.D.: Que feo es realmente ver como se tiene que degradar un pais para vender, ver que los Rusos nombren a sus aeronaves en ingles como Black Shark apesta!!!
Al menos nuestro Pampa en el Jpats siguió siendo Pampa, aunque LMAASA no lo publicita mucho al AT-63 como tal ultimamente, será que quiere desligarlo de su origen ******?


nemesis dijo:
lo ke el comunismo de guerra podia aser con dinero

Sí, hizo mucho, pero lo más importante fue dejar a la URSS en la ruina. ¿Por qué crees que comenzó la famosa Perestroika y la Glastnost? Porque el grueso de los recursos nacionales estabn dedicados a la carrera armamentista y aún así iban en desventaja. O aflojaban o la economía saltaba en pedazos. Aún así ya era demasiado tarde y reventaron.
JQ01 dijo:
Sí, hizo mucho, pero lo más importante fue dejar a la URSS en la ruina. ¿Por qué crees que comenzó la famosa Perestroika y la Glastnost? Porque el grueso de los recursos nacionales estabn dedicados a la carrera armamentista y aún así iban en desventaja. O aflojaban o la economía saltaba en pedazos. Aún así ya era demasiado tarde y reventaron.

Sep, no aguantaron la carrera armamentista con los americanos que tenian una economia mucho mas fuerte, y eso que en los ultimos anos los rusos invirtieron cero en la parte social, la gente comia y vestia menos que nada.