Club del Flanker


Su-30MKK (el segundo prototipo de desarrollo propiedad de la fabrica) con Pavel O. Sukhoi en empenaje vertical izquierdo



El sistema 'RWR/ESM del Su-35S conocido como L-150-35. El fabricante afirma que supera por completo al AN/ALR-93(V)3 del NG y aparentemente se acerca en capacidades al SPECTRA del Rafale. Los parches uniformes de color gris oscuro, fabricados en fibra de vidrio reforzada, son evidentes alrededor de la estructura del avión:


Nocturno Culto

The aircraft has the ultra-high maneuverability at low and near-zero rates. This is possible by using a special aerodynamic design and the latest in engines with thrust vector control.
High information booths reduces the functional load on the pilot.


Nocturno Culto

EDB "Sukhoi" is planning to release a training facility. It consists of an integrated simulator, treatment and educational computer class flight and engineering technical personnel, which are combined into a single information and methodological framework that will allow for training of pilots and engineering staff from the simple to the complex.

Nocturno Culto

The class is classroom training with an automated control of knowledge, the elements are processed in a procedural simulator and then on the complex, which is as close to this cabin (closing lantern, safety harness, with a spherical dome visualization 270h110 oz.) And it may also work on almost all issues.

Nocturno Culto

In a single network can include up to 16 simulators while for group training pilots. Over time, it will be possible to connect different types of simulators in a single information environment - training - simulation system . In the future it is planned to combine exercise equipment other Russian developers.Integrated simulator deliberately not equipped with motion system because the system is able to simulate only a small part of a large range of highly maneuverable fighter overload , leading to inculcate false skills.

Nocturno Culto

The simulator can perform almost all the same tasks as on the plane, including refueling and represent the most important thing - practice of emergency situations. In this simulator even surpasses the plane, because some Resignation simulate the reality of the situation is dangerous, and sometimes impossible. And this is one of the key function of the simulator.

Nocturno Culto

What is the simulator
Workplace pilot of the Su-35 in the integrated simulator is an enclosed cabin vented type, which has everything you need for comfortable carrying out combat missions.
Here we have a procedural trainer, he is without a flashlight. Table with monitors in the background - RMI.


Nocturno Culto

Information tools are the pilot collimating light aircraft with a control panel display, which displays flight information, two MFI-35 (multi-function display), each by 15'', integrated remote backup devices (PSOE), multi-panel display with a working range of 4x5 '' helmet-mounted display system and voice messaging system.

Nocturno Culto

Multi-function IR - LED with the power of 4x5 '' ( hiding on the side of the handle for the control plane ) is used to configure all aircraft systems , including radar , targeting and navigation equipment , armament systems, video monitoring.

Automatic traction control and automatic control system(Автомат управления тягой).

Allows without the participation of the pilot to maintain the desired speed of movement in all the maneuvers and in any condition or completely automatically maintain aircraft on the route in accordance with the flight plan . Thus the problem reduces to the pilot implementation of the take-off and landing, as well as the decision on the use of weapons .


Nocturno Culto

Monitor the left - the multi-function display MFD- 35 15 . " With the push frame pilot can divide the display into several pieces and bring them all the necessary information about the flight mission, navigation, weapons and technical state of the aircraft.

Assignment of the multifunction buttons vary depending on the nature of the display information relevant hints are displayed next to the buttons .The lower part of the information on the monitor on the left - a line of CCD mode control ( complex avionics ).

There are only five modes of CCD - near and far through the air battle , melee and ranged combat on the ground , plus the navigation mode. Each mode provides a specific set of information displayed on the display and preset selection of weapons .
