Club del Flanker

Nocturno Culto

Handle control of the aircraft .
1 - disconnect button of the automatic control system (ACS ). Also under the little finger of the pilot is temporarily disable the automatic control lever : moving on auto- pilot presses a lever and manually perform the maneuver , after which the ACS continues to aircraft at the new rate .
2 - Four-position mode switch to select the CCD combat and navigation modes complex avionics .
3 - button to bring to the horizon . In case of loss of orientation in space , including if you feel unwell after overload , the pilot can click this button to automatically plane returned to straight-ahead position with zero roll and pitch .
4 - The button for firing gun arms . Rockets are launched trigger.
5 - Switch " maneuver , trajectory control" translates airplane mode super maneuverability .
6 - joystick (joystick ) control marker is responsible for the location of the cursor on the screen.


Nocturno Culto

How is the flight? First, the instructor has a script to perform the exercise, given the tactical and meteorological conditions on a real map in a given area, are placed vs. them on the ground, "hung up" planes in the air, etc. Also, the instructor can quickly enter into a job or that failures and faults, controlling the actions of the pilot.

Nocturno Culto

At DLI (workplace instructor) multiple monitors. On a three-dimensional map shows the control points, the turning points of the route, some goals. On the other monitor he was watching the pilot actions, enforcement and control and flight parameters. The third common type of simulator and so on.

Nocturno Culto

The text is presented as an instructor rapid action processing pilot - what modes are included, what restrictions violated (if violated) and what tasks to perform. All instruments and panels can virtually bring.

Nocturno Culto

According to Sergei, the philosophy of modern combat mission is as follows: the pilot to take off and waits until the plane reaches the set point automatically, and then he makes a decision on the use of weapons, in accordance with the combat mission (presses the button "defeat the enemy"), waits until the plane returns to base and land the machine. Everything.

Nocturno Culto

"The list of tasks that must decide and have decided this plane is huge. It features a huge range of altitudes and speeds, impressive range and duration of the flight, a huge range of weapons that can be used at any time of day and in all weather conditions. And all these possibilities manages only one man! "