Frente Oriental 1941-1945 (Russlandfeldzug)


My knowledge on this photo is limited, it appears a German soldier is feeding an abandoned Russian baby.
La descripcion de la pagina donde ponen a los nazis como los buenos en su invasion a la Union Sovietica.
Última edición:
Lista de oficiales judíos que comandaron regimientos de infantería durante la Gran Guerra Patriótica.
1- Birenboim Yakov Abramovich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, Comandante de la 15a PAP4.vv.DVD.
2- Vilensky Wolf Leibovich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, 249SP16SD.
3- Krasnokutsky Khaim Meerovich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, 89SP85SD.
4- Lev Boris Davydovich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, 4º año.SP6gv.SD.
5- Milner Raphael Isayevich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, 37hv.SP 12 Gv.SD.
6- Peysakhovsky Naum Grigorievich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, 164SP 33SD.
7- Khatskevich Wolf Berkovich , Héroe de la Unión Soviética, 194y.V. 36gv.SD.
8-N. Abramson Abram , 350SP 96 SD 8.5 / 43, 08.01.1943 murió.
9- Averbuh Mikhail N. , 2gv.VDP3gv.VDD, 6 / 44-5 / 45.
10 Agronsky Reuben Moiseich 491SP 159SD, 7 / 42-2 / 43, 2/43 faltante.
11 Auhimik Kadets, 343 SP38SD mataron 31/07/1941.
12 Ashkinadze L. Lázaro , 1127SP 337SD, 3-5 / 42 heridos.
13 Axelrod Isaac Haimovich, JV 147 43SD, 9 / 43-1 / 44.
14 Assinovskaia Yuri Dmitrievich, 1189SP358SD, 1944-1945.
15 Bibenboym Aba Veniaminovich 1200SP361SD, 9 / 41-3 / 42.
16 Berezovsky Pavel Isaakovich, 187SP 72SD con 2/45.
17 Besprozvannyi Semen Lvovich , SP 472 100SD mataron 26/01/45.
18- Birman Mark Yakovlevich, General de División, 52SP 71SD, 6 / 41-1942.
19-Birstein Evgeny Yakovlevich, 739SP 134 SD, 7 / 42-3 / 44.
20-Blau Robert Markovich, 453SP78SD, fue asesinado el 6/2/1943.
21-Bokhman Grigory Abramovich, 328SP 48SD, 8 / 43-12 / 44.
22- Boltaks Boris Iosifovich , 312SP 26SD, 1944-5 / 45.
23-Bomshtein Iosif Lvovich, 260hv.SP 36GGV.SD, en 1945.
24- Bransburg Lev Schneevich , 75 gv.SP 26GVSD, en 1943.
25- Brodsky Izya Mikhailovich , 690SP 126SD, 11 / 43-1945.
26-Weiner Boris Abramovich, 873SP 276 SD, fue eliminado en la lesión 1/44.
27-Weisman Semyon Arkadevich, 327g.SP128gv.SD, 4 / 44-1 / 45, se retiró de la herida.
28-Vasilevsky Yakov Moiseevich, 963SP 274SD, 5-8 / 42.
29- Vitlin Boris Markovich, 1276SP384SD, murió el 9/42.
30 Vladimir Arkady Namovich , 139gv.SP46gv.SD, 10 / 44-3 / 45, 18/03/45 mató.
31-Vodovozov Roman Naumovich, 171 gv. СП 1гв.СД.
32-Volovich Mikhail Grigorievich, 870SP287SD, 7 / 41-4 / 42.
33-Volynsky Iosif Isaakovich, 777SP227SD, 1 / 44-5 / 45.
34 Halperin Gregory Marshak, 1083SP 312SD, 7 / 42-12 / 42 (datos no verificados) ... ..
35- Halperin Boris Isaevich , 669SP 212 CD, en 1944.
36-Ganelis Matvai Moiseich 511 SP 239SD, s1944.
37-Gardin David Borisovich, 1242SP374SD, fue asesinado el 12/41.
38-Gasman Khanon Abramovich, 468SP 111SD, fue asesinado1 / 1944.
39-Gelgaft Samuil Borisovich, 560SP 175DS, desapareció el 7/41.
40-Goldberg Mikhail Iosifovich, 73 SP 33SD, 2-5 / 42.
41-Goldstein Alya Isaakovich, 162g.SP 54gv.SD, 12 / 42-3 / 43,747SP172SD, fue asesinado22 / 8/43.
42-Goltman Boris Markovich, 84.SP 33gv.SD, 3- / 43, abandonó la herida.
43-Gelfand Yuda Abramovich, 12 SP 53SD, c / 45.
44-Goichman Viktor Bentsionovich, 1131SP 337SD, 11 / 44-5 / 45.
45-Gorelik Zaller Abramovich, 221SP 61 SD, 6-9 / 41.
46-Gofshtein Yakov Irmovich, 881SP158DS, 5 / 44-5 / 45.
47-Grabovsky, Iosif Vladimirovich, 1016SP288SD, 12 / 43-8 / 44.
48-Groupin Yakov Borisovich, 556SP169SD, en 1941.
49- Gurevich Semyon Naumovich , 1101SP 326SD, 2-3 / 43, murió de heridas.
50- Dvorkin Boris Mikhailovich , 241SP95SD, 2-7 / 42.
51-Drabkin Semen Grigoryevich, 204SP 10SD, 10-41-1 / 44.27 Gv.SP11gv.SD, 1945.
52-Dyhno Nus Volkovich, 1174SP 348 SD, 7 / 44-1 / 45.
53-Izrailevich Zakhar Nosinovich, 457SP222SD, en / 1942.
54-Izykson Semyon Grigorievich, 1287SP110SD, fue asesinado el 1/11/1941.
55- Ioffe Grigory Petrovich , 106 años de edad 36gv.SD, fue asesinado el 5/44.
56-Kagan Grigory Mikhailovich, 188SP106SD, en 1945.
57- Kagan Moses Volkowicz, 996SP286SD, fue asesinado17 / 3/45.
58-Kaganovsky Abram Ilich, 552SP191SD, 9-11 / 44.
59- Kaplun Iosif Naumovich , 383SP121SD, en 1941.
60-Karagodsky Solomon Aronovich, 882SP290SD, 1-5 / 45.
61-Kolchinsky Mikhail Markovich, 22-gv.SP 9gv.SD, 1- / 44, lesionado.
62- Kotik Grigory Borisovich , 539SP168SD, 1941-1942.
63-Kravets Zinovy Samoilovich, 846SP267SD, desde 1944.
64- Kruglikov Yevsei Zinovievich , siglo 139, 1946b.SD 7-10 / 44.
65-Ksendzovsky Samuil Borisovich, 717SP170SD, 5-10 / 44, abandonó la herida.
66-Kuks Solomon Iosifovich, 359SP 50SD, 304gv.SP100gv.SD, perecieron 7/44.
67- Layterman Abram Zeylikovich , 15gv.VDP6gv.VDD, v1944.
68-Levine Samuel Evseevich, 1129SP337SD, 12 / 44-5 / 45.
69-Levin Mikhail Evseevich, 796SP141SD, 12 / 43-1 / 44.
70- Levin Alexander Solomonovich , 978SP261SD3-9 / 42.3hVSP 4gv.SD, c11 / 43.
71-Levitin Isaak Ilich, 306SP62SD, 4-8 / 43,1031SP280SD en1945.
72-Liberzon Zinoviy Lazarevich, 1285SP60SD, 6-7 / 42.
73-Lirzman Solomon Lvovich, 1231SP371SD, 6 / 41-1 / 43.
74-Minisin Moses Yakovlevich106gv.SP36gv.SD, 9-12 / 43, fue eliminado en la herida
75- Oikhman Boris Abramovich , 102 gv.SP 35. gv.SD, 242g.v. 82 gv.SD, 1943-1945.
76-Makalsky Iosif Lvovich, 92SP201SD, 4 / 44-5 / 45.
77- Makhlinovsky Viktor Lvovich , General de División, 1285SP60SD, 1-3 / 42.
78- Morgunovsky Efim Mikhailovich , 297SP184SD10 / 43-3 / 44.327HGH, murió de heridas el 23/9/44.
79-Muller Yakov Isaakovich, 525SP171SD, 9 / 42-5 / 43.
80-Narver Naum Isaakovich, 944SP259SD, 9-11 / 1941,1345SP399SD en 1942.
81 Nus Jacob Borukhovich, 896SP211SD en 1943.
82-Ozerskii Benjamin Markovich, 1192SP357SD, 139gv.SP45gv.SD, 1944-1945.
83-Perlovsky Petr Borisovich, 125g.SP 43gv.SD, 8 / 44-5 / 45.
84- Pivnik Abram Yakovlevich , 695SP 221SD, 1944-1945.
85-Pliner Leonid Abramovich, 1004SP305SD, 6-8 / 41, murió el 8/1941.
86 Polinsky Isaac N., 5gv.SP gv.SD, v1942, herido 5/42.
87-Moisés Potievsky Marshak, 1153SP343SD.12 / 41-5 / 42
88- Rabinovich Alexander B. , 980SP275SD 10-12 / 42,276SP77SD, ubit15 / 2/43.
89-Rabinovich Boris Abramovich, 520SP167SD, s1 / 1945.
90- Ratner Mendel Berkovich , siglo 148.SP50g.SD, fue asesinado el 29/4/45.
91-Rashkovsky Semen Vladimirovich, 89g.SP 28gv.SD, al principio1944.
92-Roizman Vladimir Isaakovich, 779 SP 227P, 7 / 44-5 / 45.
93-Rubinsteny Oscar Maksovich 975SP 270SD, 7 / 41-3 / 42, herido.
94-Samoilovich Judah Mendelevich, 897SP 242 SD, faltaba sin dejar rastro21 / 7/43.
95-Svirsky Alexander Volkovich, 481 SP 320SD, 7 / 41-5 / 42.
96-Syrovsky Yakov Emmanuilovich, 1091 SP 324SD 5 / 44-5 / 45.
97-Sirota Lev Semenovich, 543SP120SD, 3 / 44-5 / 45.
98-Slutsky Mikhail Lazarevich, 1335SP373SD, 6-8 / 42.
99-Soroko Efim Aronovich, 144SP 138SD, herido12 / 43.
100- Sonis Yakov Yakovlevich , 515SP134SD, 620SP 164SD, 1943-1945.
101-Spector Mikhail Petrovich, 134 gv.SP45gv.SD, 4-7 / 43, abandonó la herida.
102-Stolin Haim Leibovich, 375SP219SD2 / 43-2 / 44,1067SP311SD c1 / 1945.
103-Surpin Abram Grigorievich, 1018SP 269, para 1945.
104-Syrkin Solomon (Samuil) Naumovich, 849SP303 SD, 12 / 44-3 / 45, asesinado 3/45.
105- Tarasyuk Srul Aronovich , 528SP130SD, 8/42 murió.
106-Tenzer Mikhail Aronovich, 177g.SP 60gv.SD, 8-10 / 43, fue asesinado el 27/10/43.
107-Tunik Yakov Borisovich, 1260SP 380SD, en 1945.
108-Ulanovskiy Benedikt Yakovlevich, 943SP257SD, 1-5 / 44, fue eliminado en la herida.
109- Ulanovsky Boris Efimovich , 526SP89SD, 1944-1945.
110-Fastovsky Abram Grigorievich, 490SP192SD, fue eliminado en la herida.
111-Fabritsky Semyon Moiseevich, 189g.SP61gv.SD, 5-9 / 43.
112-Fingerov Yakov Aronovich, 634SP119SD, 6-12 / 1941, abandonó la herida.
113-Frenkel Lev Mikhailovich, 311g.SP108gv.SD, 7 / 43-4 / 44.
114-Fedin Alexander Abramovich, 1259SP 381SD, en 1945.
115-Kheyfets Mikhail Efimovich, 38SP60SD, en 1942, 1188SP357SD, en 1944.
116-Khmelnitsky Ilya Lvovich, 197SP99SD, 6 / 41-2 / 42, fue eliminado por lesión.
117 - Khotimsky Zalman Ionovich , 185 gv.SP60gv.SD, 2-8 / 44.
118-Husid Israel Yevsevich, 441 SP 116DS, 6 / 44-5 / 45.
119- Negro Abram Mendelevich , 169SP86SD, 1943-1945.
120-Chernyak Pavel Abramovich, 297SP184SD, 9-10 / 1943.
121-Chernyavsky Grigory Ilyich, 847SP303 SD, 11 / 44-5 / 45.
122-Shaikevich Samuil Davidovich1210SP362SD, 10 / 43-1944.
123-Shapiro Yakov Semenovich, 77SP80SD, en 1942, herido 4/42.
124- Shapiro Eliokum Izrailevich , 507SP148SD 7 / 43-7 / 44.
125-Shapirovsky David Samoilovich1262SP380SD, 1944-1945.
126- Schechtman Zinovi Samoylovich , 1077SP316SD, 7 / 41-8 / 42.
127- Shklyar Chaim Mordukhovich , 52. P17gv.SD2-12 / 44.753SP192SD en 1945, murió de heridas el 9/4/45.
128-Shteiman Mikhail Borisovich, 106 años.SP36gv.SD, 7 / 44-5 / 45.
129-Shteynluht Michael Aronovich, 1106SP331SD, 11 / 41-12 / 42, fue eliminado en la herida.
130-Zippel Abram Solomonovich, 761SP317SD, 4-43-12 / 43, asesinado3 / 44. 133-Tsyvin Yakov-Tuvi Volfovich, 42SP180SD, 5 / 44-5 / 45.
132-Tsukerman Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 470SP194SD, 8-10 / 43, estaba fuera de la herida.
134- Balaevsky Oyzer Nekhomovich , 280SP185SD.
135- Pisak Khaim-Nakhman Ios-Berovich , 224SP162SD.
136-Kogan VA 331SP1GSD asesinado.
137- Krasitsky Mikhail Lvovich 893SP196SD, fue asesinado en cautiverio en el campo de Dachau en 1944.
138- Zaslavsky Lev Davidovich 209 SP96SD, fue asesinado en 1942.
Reichgardt Alexander Aleksandrovich 44SP42SD, fue asesinado en marzo de 1943.
140 Sapozhnikov José Zelmanovich 342SP, 240SD.
141- Mones Moses Yakovlevich 576SP, 115SD.
142- Vasilevsky David Veniaminovich , Mayor General, 206SP.
143- Krasnov Ignatii Aleksandrovich , general mayor, 1061SP, 7 / 41-8 / 41, fue asesinado en 1944.
144- Shtivel Jozef Ovseevich , 878SP290SD, fue asesinado el 4/04/1942.
145- Naroditsky Nathan Osipovich , 927SP251SD, fue asesinado el 28/02/1944g.
146- Kuzkin Petr Naumovich , 1164SP346SD, fue asesinado el 15/10/1943g.
Última edición:
No one has seen any more angry these Russians. Real chain dogs!
The German military about the Red Army in the first days of the war

"Better than three French campaigns than one Russian" - this saying quickly became fashionable in the Wehrmacht troops.

German soldier, July 1941: "Everything turned out to be darker nowhere. The Reds fight to the death, despite any losses. Although the offensive is moving at a rapid pace, it is still unclear when and how it will end, and besides, the Russians have more people, much more. "

One German officer, who served in the tank division at Army Group Center, shared his opinion with the military correspondent Kurizio Malaparte:

"He reasoned like a soldier, avoiding epithets and metaphors, confining himself only to arguments directly related to the issues under discussion. «We almost did not take prisoners, - he said, - because the Russians always fought to the last soldier. They did not give up.Their hardening from ours can not be compared ... "

" They fought to the last, even the wounded, and they did not let us go. A Russian sergeant, unarmed, with a terrible wound in his shoulder, rushed at ours with a sapper shovel, but he was immediately shot. Madness, the real madness. They fought like animals, and died dozens. "

General Gunther Blumentritt:

"The behavior of the Russian troops even in the first battles was in striking contrast to the behavior of the Poles and Western allies in defeat. Even in the environment, the Russians continued to fight stubbornly. The huge territory of the country with forests and swamps helped them ... Our motorized troops fought along the roads or near them. And where there were no roads, the Russians in most cases remained inaccessible. That's why the Russians often left the encirclement. In whole columns their troops moved through the woods at night to the east. They always tried to break through to the east, so the most battle-worthy troops, usually tank ones, were usually sent to the eastern part of the encirclement ring. And yet our environment of Russians was rarely successful. "

A German soldier from Army Group Center on August 20 complained:

"The losses are creepy, do not compare with those that were in France." His company, since July 23, participated in the battles for the "tank motorway No. 1". "Today is our road, tomorrow it is taken by the Russians, then again by us, and so on." The victory no longer seemed so near. On the contrary, the desperate resistance of the enemy undermined morale, inspired not at all optimistic thoughts. "

"No one has seen anyone angrier than these Russians. Real chain dogs! You never know what to expect from them. And where do they just get the tanks and everything else ?! "

From Kershaw R. 1941 through the eyes of the Germans. Birch Crosses instead of Iron