Los Cruceros en el siglo XX

Nocturno Culto

Crucero francés Democratie navegando por el Bósforo en Anadoli, Kavak, noviembre de 1918

Nocturno Culto

Fecha: 09 de mayo de 1945 (foto original en color). Ubicación: 55°41'50.5 "N, 12°36'03.7 "E. Evento: El crucero ligero británico Dido acaba de llegar a Copenhague para aceptar la rendición formal de la escuadra naval alemana con el crucero pesado Prinz Eugen como buque insignia.

Nocturno Culto

Fecha: 14 de marzo de 1904. Lugar: El estrecho de Tsukumono-seto, Japón. Evento: Asignado a la 1ª Flota de la IJN, 1º Escuadrón, el crucero blindado Kasuga 春日 está anclado a unos 5 nmi de Kure 呉市. Ha llegado aquí desde Yokosuka. Estado actual: Desguazado en 1948-50, vida útil de 48 años.

Nocturno Culto

Fecha: Verano de 1945. Lugar: Wilhelmshaven, Alemania. Evento: El antiguo crucero pesado alemán Prinz Eugen muestra su radar FuMO 27 de 368 MHz con una antena de 2m x 4m de polarización vertical, montada sobre la torre telemétrica de popa de 7 m. La potencia de 15kW proporciona un alcance de hasta 25 km (13,5 millas náuticas).
HMS Suffolk en Scapa Flow. 18 de abril de 1940. Sufrió un impacto directo de bombarderos alemanes el día anterior.

Del reporte oficial:

SUFFOLK whilst returning from the bombardment of Stavanger aerodrome, Norway was attacked by enemy aircraft, 88 bombs being dropped in 33 high level and diving attacks.
The direct hit struck the upper deck on the starboard side just forward of X turret and penetrated the upper, main, lower and platform decks. It exploded between the after end of the engine room and the fore end of X shell room. Severe structural and splinter damage was caused in the wake of the explosion and one small hole was blown in the ship's side. Flooding occurred below the lower deck between the forward bulkhead of the after engine room and the after end of Y shell room.
Two near misses exploded on impact with the water 15-20 feet from the ship's starboard side just aft of X turret causing severe splinter damage. The ship was flooded aft of the forward engine room up to the main deck level.
One near miss exploded underwater 15 feet from the ship's side port abreast the after boiler room, causing the after bulge compartment to become flooded.
Fighting Efficiency - Seriously impaired
The immediate effect of the direct hit was to put the after engine room and X and Y turrets out of action.
Effect of the near misses were:
1 Steering gear put out of action.
2 After end of the ship abandoned and shut down.
3 Speed was reduced to 15 knots.
After steaming at 15 knots for 22,5 hours the ship was unseaworthy and was beached at Scapa Flow.
This incident emphasised the following points:
1 Ship's side lining was found to hinder damage repairs.
2 Side scuttles below the weather deck to be blanked off.