Si es real, es olvido.
Dudo que el manual del F-16 autorice el aterrizaje sin el tren bajo.
Yo sigo con dudas sobre que sea real. No digo que sea mentira pero me cuesta creerla.
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No hace falta traducirlo no?USAF F-16C block 25 #83-1161 from the 61st FS made a belly landing at Luke AFB on June 17th, 2004 in which only the fuel tank, the right ventral fin and the captive AIM-9 were damaged.
I was the assistant OIC of the 62 AMU when that happened. One of the old heads that had been at Luke forever and spent time in the 61st said that was the second time that acft had crash landed.
If I remember correctly the student pilot only had about 40 hours in a Viper. The gear didn't lower and the ALT Gear handle failed as well. Not sure what the investigation found. Luckily there was a D-model with two experienced pilots on his wing to talk him down.
Debe haberse equivocado de lugar de posteo y No lo borró... el link está perfecto :cheers2:
Exacto buff, muchas gracias :) No se borrar los posts xD
vos decís porque es imposible que se olvide de bajar el tren o por como quedo el avión y el misil?
me imagino muchas lucecitas y chicharras sonando dentro del copick como para que el piloto se coma la bajada del tren...
puff!!!...Incluso me contaron de un Mentor de la EAM que llego a tocar con la helice el terreno antes de irse de nuevo al aire para bajar esta vez con el tren abajo.