No es la foto esperada pero ayuda....
Author: Haggart, James A. Lieutenant Commander U.S. Navy
Title: The Malvinas Islands Conflict
Air Defense of the Fleet
Publisher: Marine Corps Command and Staff College
Date: 1 May 1984
There have also been several questions raised concerning the use of helicopters in an Exocet decoy role. Although no details have been released by official British sources it is possible that some helicopters towed a radar corner reflector similar to the manner in which a surface ship might do with an acoustic torpedo decoy. Since neither the carriers reportedly being protected nor the decoys themselves were attacked by Exocet missiles, it was not possible to judge the effectiveness of such a surmised decoy.
Han habido tambien preguntas acerca del uso de helicopteros como señuelos de exocet. A pesar de que las fuentes britanicas no publicaron datos oficiales, es possible que algunos helicopteros arrastraran un angulo reflector de radar en forma similar a lo que hace un navio de superficie con el señuelo acustico antitorpedo. Ya que ninguno de los portaaviones ni los señuelos han sido atacados por misiles exocet, no se pudo comprobar la eficacia de dicho señuelo...
The Guardian „The price of victory”
Monday February 25, 2002
This time, my new ship was another RFA, Sir Geraint, which immediately sailed from San Carlos out towards the two carriers, Invincible and Hermes, in the total exclusion zone that the British had declared for 200 miles around the Malvinas. I was sailing away from the war I was meant to be reporting.
Sir Geraint's cargo was needed on land, but we were taking it all out to sea again. But then it became clear. For five days, the Sir Geraint acted as an Exocet decoy. After the sinking of the Atlantic Conveyor, when she seduced a missile away from the Invincible, it had become very clear that the best way of protecting our vulnerable carriers against Exocets was to place "sacrificial" ships all around them. And we were now one of those….
Esta vez, mi nuevo buque era otro de la RFA, el Sir Geraint, que zarpo inmediatamente desde San Carlos hacia los dos portaaviones, Invincible y Hermes, en la zona de exclusion total que los britanicos declararon para las 200 millas alrededor de las Malvinas. Me estaba alejando de la guerra que supuestamente tenia que reportar.
La carga del Sir Gerain era necesitada en tierra, pero nos llevabamos todo de vuelta al mar. Entonces, entendimos la cosa. Por cinco dias, el Sir Geraint actuo como señuelo de exocets. Despues del hundimiento del Atlantic Conveyor, cuando el navio alejo a un exocet del Invincible, quedo claro que la mejor manera de protejer a nuestros vulnerables portaaviones de los exocets era colocar navios sacrificables alrededor de ellos. Y nosotros eramos uno de ellos...
Un Abrazo