Argentina: Noticias del Ministerio de Defensa

De donde saca tanta plata una diminuta isla???


buena pregunta, habria que remontarse al siglo XVI cuando despachaban barcos a todos los rincones del globo plantando bandera en cuanto pedazo de tierra podian ....

para 1922, el Imperio Británico dominaba a unas 458 millones de personas, una cuarta parte de la población mundial en ese momento, y abarcaba más de 33.700.000 km2, casi una cuarta parte de la superficie total de la Tierra.

Con los años se fueron retirando, pero nunca dejaron su influencia politica y economica
te entiendo, otra cosa importante es dios; seria un tema a tratar obviamente que no cuestiono a dios a la virgen y a nuestro señor jesucristo, pero creo que algo está fallando en el sistema castrense como que no llega al personal, hay unidades que más de 60% no es catolico. No digo que esté mal, estamos en un pais laico pero los curas parece que no les llega. Estaba leyendo la revista Military review sobre el batallón religioso del Us Army y me pareció muy interesante. Es una opinión mía nada más que eso.
El problema me parece que viene más del lugar de origen, los que vienen del norte sobre todo, la mayoria ya vienen con su creencia propia. Es muy dificil cambiarlo. Hoy la mayoria de los pibes se anotan para ser tropa y no estan bautizados o los psicotecnicos los rebotan, por necesidad igual se los acepta. Si fuera requisito muchos no entrarían, igual esto es hace mucho. Mi viejo tiene por ese motivo 5-6 veces mas ahijados, ahijados de comunión y confirmación que hijos jaja

El bautismo debería ser lo minimo, pero bueno...
¿Que le van a pedir a Papá Noel para el próximo año respecto al MinDef?

Nada de análisis o pronostico sobre los que hará el gobierno. Solo expresiones de Deseo.

Para el año próximo deseo que el MinDef logre definir un plan estratégico de reconversión de la defensa, para asi poder hacer pié en la recuperación de las FFAA y darle un rol aún más activo en la protección de sociedad.
Y que de una buena vez se logre definir el límite entre las FFSS y las FFAA para cerrar ese capítulo.
Coincido. En tanto no se les asigne una misión y se adapte nuestra legislación, van a ser la última prioridad, y vamos a seguir teniendo políticos ignorantes que las cataloguen como "gasto inútil".
El problema me parece que viene más del lugar de origen, los que vienen del norte sobre todo, la mayoria ya vienen con su creencia propia. Es muy dificil cambiarlo. Hoy la mayoria de los pibes se anotan para ser tropa y no estan bautizados o los psicotecnicos los rebotan, por necesidad igual se los acepta. Si fuera requisito muchos no entrarían, igual esto es hace mucho. Mi viejo tiene por ese motivo 5-6 veces mas ahijados, ahijados de comunión y confirmación que hijos jaja

El bautismo debería ser lo minimo, pero bueno...
Qué?, bautismo?, qué querés excluir a los no católicos?.


100 años pa'trá.
El problema me parece que viene más del lugar de origen, los que vienen del norte sobre todo, la mayoria ya vienen con su creencia propia. Es muy dificil cambiarlo. Hoy la mayoria de los pibes se anotan para ser tropa y no estan bautizados o los psicotecnicos los rebotan, por necesidad igual se los acepta. Si fuera requisito muchos no entrarían, igual esto es hace mucho. Mi viejo tiene por ese motivo 5-6 veces mas ahijados, ahijados de comunión y confirmación que hijos jaja

El bautismo debería ser lo minimo, pero bueno...
Como???? porque tienen que estar bautizados o ser creyentes? porque cambiar las creencias salvo que las mismas sean malas? y por malas me refiero a cualquiera que limite o mensocabe los derechos de otros, no por distintas.
Recibi educacion catolica desde que naci hasta los 13, bautismo, comunion, confirmacion y luego me volvi ateo.
No me hace menos apto para nada, ni menos decente.
En serio pregunto, me perdi de algo y no veo el chiste, porque si va en serio me preocupa. Yo vigilaria a cualquiera que sea bueno por temor a Dios y no porque simplemente elije serlo y es lo correcto.
Como???? porque tienen que estar bautizados o ser creyentes? porque cambiar las creencias salvo que las mismas sean malas? y por malas me refiero a cualquiera que limite o mensocabe los derechos de otros, no por distintas.
Recibi educacion catolica desde que naci hasta los 13, bautismo, comunion, confirmacion y luego me volvi ateo.
No me hace menos apto para nada, ni menos decente.
En serio pregunto, me perdi de algo y no veo el chiste, porque si va en serio me preocupa. Yo vigilaria a cualquiera que sea bueno por temor a Dios y no porque simplemente elije serlo y es lo correcto.
Opino igual, yo soy ateo y no por eso soy menos patriota o inmoral, recordemos que estamos en un estado laico.

Enviado desde mi HTC One_M8 mediante Tapatalk


Opino igual, yo soy ateo y no por eso soy menos patriota o inmoral, recordemos que estamos en un estado laico.

Enviado desde mi HTC One_M8 mediante Tapatalk
Solamente quedó ésto:
El Gobierno federal sostiene el culto católico apostólico romano Art. 14 CN
No entiendo por qué algunos quieren que la religión católica sea la única en las FFAA...

Sinceramente no lo entiendo. Como dato de color tenemos la segunda comunidad judía fuera de Israel más grande del mundo y los vamos a dejar afuera de nuestras FFAA por discriminación? En qué cambia la religión al amor por la patria?

O me van a decir que los judíos o los ateos, o los protestantes, o los budistas somos menos patriotas (soy ateo)?

Eso no existe, hay libertad de culto y una ley anti discriminación (que recuerdo que es de carácter constitucional).
Última edición:
Solamente quedó ésto:
El Gobierno federal sostiene el culto católico apostólico romano Art. 14 CN
Y quedó de forma. Ya ni siquiera es necesario jurar por Dios si no se sigue la religión católica.

Cosa que me parece perfecta. Todos somos iguales ante la ley, con iguales derechos y obligaciones para con la sociedad, incluída la de tomar las armas en Defensa de nuestra Patria.
No entiendo por qué algunos quieren que la religión católica sea la única en las FFAA...

Sinceramente no lo entiendo. Como dato de color tenemos la segunda comunidad judía fuera de Israel más grande del mundo y los vamos a dejar afuera de nuestras FFAA por discriminación? En qué cambia la religión al amor por la patria?

O me van a decir que los judíos o los ateos, o los protestantes, o los budistas somos menos patriotas (soy ateo)?

Eso no existe, hay libertad de culto y una ley anti discriminación (que recuerdo que es de carácter constitucional).
En Israel para ser voluntario de su ejército siendo no judío recién arranca en teoría en 2014, porque acá no se refleja para nada. Tampoco es cierto que sea excluyente no ser católico, los cristianos siempre que su culto sea aceptado por el estado pueden enrolarse . Yo no vería como obstáculo el que un argentino quiera ser miembro de sus FFAA siendo de un culto autorizado siempre y cuando entienda y acepte los valores de las mismas ligados a la cultura católica por tradición como yo aceptaría la tradición judía en Israel. USA es un país sumamente tolerante, en teoría con este tema, tienen templo pluriconfensionales que se visten para los distintos cultos permitidos ( judíos, cristianos y musulmanes etc,)
Who Can Volunteer for the IDF?

Following is the list of IDF paths for the enlistment of non-Israeli and Israeli overseas volunteers, further down the details of the required qualifications:

  • IDF Mahal for non-Israelis and Israelis - here
  • IDF Mahal Nahal Haredi non-Israelis and Israelis - here
  • IDF Mahal Hesder non-Israelis and Israelis - here
  • IDF short path for Israeli citizens residing overseas, children of overseas Israelis etc. - here
  • IDF regular path for Israeli citizens residing overseas - here
Following are the paths with the details of the required qualifications. Please choose only ONE of the paths for which you qualify and register here now:

Jewish or Zakai Aliya (one of your parents or one of your grandparents is/was Jewish)

  • willing to do at least 18 months of IDF service (14 months, if no army ulpan required), shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here]
[paste:font size="4"]Jewish (religious/haredi only)
  • Hebrew speaker (no IDF ulpan available)
  • stay in Israel in recognized frame less than cumulated 18 months (otherwise 12 months) or cooling off period of min. two years abroad (all: calcuated from your enlistment date) [if this does not apply to you - here]
  • willing to do at least 14 months of IDF service, shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here]

[paste:font size="4"]Jewish (religious/dati only)

  • Hebrew speaker (no IDF ulpan available)
  • stay in Israel in recognized frame less than cumulated 18 months (otherwise 12 months) or cooling off period of min. two years abroad (all: calcuated from your enlistment date) [if this does not apply to you - here]
  • willing to study 6 1/2 months in a Yeshivat Hesder (IDF Rabbinical College) followed by at least 14 months of IDF service, shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. in total 20 1/2 months. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here]

[paste:font size="4"]age at enlistment: 18th - 24th birthday | physicians before 36th [if you are older - here]

  • non-resident of Israel after your 10th birthday and cumulated visits in Israel of not more than 120 days in anyone of the calendar years after your 10th birthday
  • None of your parents resides in Israel

    After arrival in Israel, you have one of the two options:
    IDF service for min. 14 months (or min. 18 months including army ulpan, if necessary).
    Studying at an Israeli academic institution for the standard time required to get a bachelor's degree (including mandatory preparatory course, if any). The standard periods vary for different fields of study. You are exempted in your standard period from IDF service (mandatory or reserve).

    If you first opted for IDF service, you have two options after discharge:
    Leaving Israel: you are not liable for any additional IDF service (mandatory or reserve), even if you return from time to time as a tourist.
    Staying in Israel as a Toshav Hozer (or returning after less than 24 months as a Toshav Hozer): basically, you have to complete the IDF service time which was mandatory for your age at the time of your first arrival in Israel. The extra service time varies due to individual factors; as you can calculate for yourself, this may also be zero (for example if you are too old). In any case, you will be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available.

    If you first opted for studies in Israel, you have two options after the end of your standard time:
    IDF service for the time which was mandatory for your age at the time of your first arrival in Israel. The extra service time varies due to individual factors; as you can calculate for yourself, this may also be zero (for example if you are too old). In any case, you may be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available.
    Leaving Israel (at any time during that year):
    - if you do not return as Toshav Hozer (however, you may visit Israel from time to time): there is no liability for additional IDF service (mandatory or reserve)
    - if you return after more than 24 months as a Toshav Hozer: you will be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available
    - if you return after less than 24 months as a Toshav Hozer: basically, you are liable for service in the IDF for the time which was mandatory for your age at the time of your first arrival in Israel. The extra service time varies due to individual factors; as you can calculate for yourself, this may also be zero (for example if you are too old). In any case, you will be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available.
[paste:font size="4"]
Israeli citizen

  • either resident of Israel after your 10th birthday or cumulated visits in Israel of more than 120 days in anyone of the calendar years after your 10th birthday
  • at least one of your parents resides in Israel
  • Service time: depending on personal factors - here
[paste:font size="4"]All programs for non-Israelis, please note:
If the IDF enlistment date is after your 24th birthday (man) | 21st (woman) | 36th (physician) - here

If you are not Jewish or Zakai Aliya (one of your parents or one of your grandparents is/was Jewish) - here

men: age 18 - 23 inclusive | women: age 18 - 20 inclusive | physicians 35 inclusive) qualify for the above IDF Mahal programs (i.e. without acquiring Israeli citizenship). However, the service time of non-Israelis with a close link to Israel such as

  • former Israelis residing overseas,
  • non-Israelis with Israeli parent,
  • non-Israelis with parents living in Israel,
  • non-Israelis who stayed in Israel longer than the cumulated maximum period on a A1, A2 or B2 visa (for temporary residents, tourists, volunteers, students etc.) and have no cooling off period of min. two years abroad (occasional short visits as typical for tourists might be ignored, for that purpose)
is longer than the regular service time of 18 months (or 14 months, if no army ulpan required). The maximum varies due to the following individual factors:


The assignment to a specific IDF unit or job is based on a few factors such as the army’s needs, your medical profile as determined by IDF tests during the enlistment procedures (in Israel), your min. service time, and your preferences.

The final decision about the enlistment and assignment to a specific IDF unit and job relies exclusively with the IDF.

The qualification of non-Israelis expires, if not enlisted before the 24th birthday (men) | 21th (women) | 36th (physicians).

Depending on age and marital status, the regular IDF service (Shlav Bet) for Israeli citizens might be shorter than other programs such as Mahal, Mahal Nahal Haredi, Mahal Hesder.

The informations on our pages About the Service and Volunteering Step-by-Step do not refer to Israeli overseas reasidents but only to (non-Israeli) volunteers eligible for the Mahal, Mahal Nahal Haredi and Mahal Hesder programs.


Empezar a hacer diferenciaciones, según la religión que profesan las personas, indefectiblemente termina en un coctel explosivo.

La formula que funciona en nuestro país, es la asimilación total, no la segregación.

Solamente deben evaluarse cuestiones técnicas.

PD: Israel es un caso aparte, excepcional
Última edición:
En Israel para ser voluntario de su ejército siendo no judío recién arranca en teoría en 2014, porque acá no se refleja para nada. Tampoco es cierto que sea excluyente no ser católico, los cristianos siempre que su culto sea aceptado por el estado pueden enrolarse . Yo no vería como obstáculo el que un argentino quiera ser miembro de sus FFAA siendo de un culto autorizado siempre y cuando entienda y acepte los valores de las mismas ligados a la cultura católica por tradición como yo aceptaría la tradición judía en Israel. USA es un país sumamente tolerante, en teoría con este tema, tienen templo pluriconfensionales que se visten para los distintos cultos permitidos ( judíos, cristianos y musulmanes etc,)
Who Can Volunteer for the IDF?

Following is the list of IDF paths for the enlistment of non-Israeli and Israeli overseas volunteers, further down the details of the required qualifications:

  • IDF Mahal for non-Israelis and Israelis - here
  • IDF Mahal Nahal Haredi non-Israelis and Israelis - here
  • IDF Mahal Hesder non-Israelis and Israelis - here
  • IDF short path for Israeli citizens residing overseas, children of overseas Israelis etc. - here
  • IDF regular path for Israeli citizens residing overseas - here
Following are the paths with the details of the required qualifications. Please choose only ONE of the paths for which you qualify and register here now:

Jewish or Zakai Aliya (one of your parents or one of your grandparents is/was Jewish)

  • willing to do at least 18 months of IDF service (14 months, if no army ulpan required), shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here]
[paste:font size="4"]Jewish (religious/haredi only)
  • Hebrew speaker (no IDF ulpan available)
  • stay in Israel in recognized frame less than cumulated 18 months (otherwise 12 months) or cooling off period of min. two years abroad (all: calcuated from your enlistment date) [if this does not apply to you - here]
  • willing to do at least 14 months of IDF service, shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here]
[paste:font size="4"]Jewish (religious/dati only)
  • Hebrew speaker (no IDF ulpan available)
  • stay in Israel in recognized frame less than cumulated 18 months (otherwise 12 months) or cooling off period of min. two years abroad (all: calcuated from your enlistment date) [if this does not apply to you - here]
  • willing to study 6 1/2 months in a Yeshivat Hesder (IDF Rabbinical College) followed by at least 14 months of IDF service, shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. in total 20 1/2 months. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here]
[paste:font size="4"]age at enlistment: 18th - 24th birthday | physicians before 36th [if you are older - here]
  • non-resident of Israel after your 10th birthday and cumulated visits in Israel of not more than 120 days in anyone of the calendar years after your 10th birthday
  • None of your parents resides in Israel

    After arrival in Israel, you have one of the two options:
    IDF service for min. 14 months (or min. 18 months including army ulpan, if necessary).
    Studying at an Israeli academic institution for the standard time required to get a bachelor's degree (including mandatory preparatory course, if any). The standard periods vary for different fields of study. You are exempted in your standard period from IDF service (mandatory or reserve).

    If you first opted for IDF service, you have two options after discharge:
    Leaving Israel: you are not liable for any additional IDF service (mandatory or reserve), even if you return from time to time as a tourist.
    Staying in Israel as a Toshav Hozer (or returning after less than 24 months as a Toshav Hozer): basically, you have to complete the IDF service time which was mandatory for your age at the time of your first arrival in Israel. The extra service time varies due to individual factors; as you can calculate for yourself, this may also be zero (for example if you are too old). In any case, you will be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available.

    If you first opted for studies in Israel, you have two options after the end of your standard time:
    IDF service for the time which was mandatory for your age at the time of your first arrival in Israel. The extra service time varies due to individual factors; as you can calculate for yourself, this may also be zero (for example if you are too old). In any case, you may be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available.
    Leaving Israel (at any time during that year):
    - if you do not return as Toshav Hozer (however, you may visit Israel from time to time): there is no liability for additional IDF service (mandatory or reserve)
    - if you return after more than 24 months as a Toshav Hozer: you will be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available
    - if you return after less than 24 months as a Toshav Hozer: basically, you are liable for service in the IDF for the time which was mandatory for your age at the time of your first arrival in Israel. The extra service time varies due to individual factors; as you can calculate for yourself, this may also be zero (for example if you are too old). In any case, you will be assigned to a Reserve Service unit; the IDF does not, however, always call up all of their reservists every year, and a variety of exemptions are available.
[paste:font size="4"]
Israeli citizen

  • either resident of Israel after your 10th birthday or cumulated visits in Israel of more than 120 days in anyone of the calendar years after your 10th birthday
  • at least one of your parents resides in Israel
  • Service time: depending on personal factors - here
[paste:font size="4"]All programs for non-Israelis, please note:
If the IDF enlistment date is after your 24th birthday (man) | 21st (woman) | 36th (physician) - here

If you are not Jewish or Zakai Aliya (one of your parents or one of your grandparents is/was Jewish) - here

men: age 18 - 23 inclusive | women: age 18 - 20 inclusive | physicians 35 inclusive) qualify for the above IDF Mahal programs (i.e. without acquiring Israeli citizenship). However, the service time of non-Israelis with a close link to Israel such as

  • former Israelis residing overseas,
  • non-Israelis with Israeli parent,
  • non-Israelis with parents living in Israel,
  • non-Israelis who stayed in Israel longer than the cumulated maximum period on a A1, A2 or B2 visa (for temporary residents, tourists, volunteers, students etc.) and have no cooling off period of min. two years abroad (occasional short visits as typical for tourists might be ignored, for that purpose)
is longer than the regular service time of 18 months (or 14 months, if no army ulpan required). The maximum varies due to the following individual factors:


The assignment to a specific IDF unit or job is based on a few factors such as the army’s needs, your medical profile as determined by IDF tests during the enlistment procedures (in Israel), your min. service time, and your preferences.

The final decision about the enlistment and assignment to a specific IDF unit and job relies exclusively with the IDF.

The qualification of non-Israelis expires, if not enlisted before the 24th birthday (men) | 21th (women) | 36th (physicians).

Depending on age and marital status, the regular IDF service (Shlav Bet) for Israeli citizens might be shorter than other programs such as Mahal, Mahal Nahal Haredi, Mahal Hesder.

The informations on our pages About the Service and Volunteering Step-by-Step do not refer to Israeli overseas reasidents but only to (non-Israeli) volunteers eligible for the Mahal, Mahal Nahal Haredi and Mahal Hesder programs.

Siendo ateo leer éstas cosas me dan pavor. Qué manera de que querer dividir la sociedad y segregar a los pocos hombres que se atreven a nutrir las FF.AA.

Yo abondoné el CMN en menos de un mes, no me la banqué. Me fuí con todos mis "camaradas" cadetes diciendome que me quede, los cadetes de 4to, los oficiales instructores y hasta el director creo, ya no me acuerdo. Supongo que como aprendía muy rápido y natural las cosas y tenía un buen curriculum como herrero, oficinista a cargo de repuestos y 1 año y media de ingeniería, o quizás solo porque el EA necesita gente, no va al caso.
Y eso que siendo ateo JAMÁS me arrodille por su dios ni deidades menores, el Capitán una vez dijo que no importaba confesión, pero que lo hagamos por tradición, NO LO HICE. Firme junto a 3 más mientras todos arrodillados rezando, no dijo nunca más nada ni tuve ninguna manija ni maltrato ni discriminación.