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Nocturno Culto

El terror de los 7... canales?

Home Guards patrullan una sección de canal en Edimburgo en un bote a motor armado con rifles y una ametralladora Lewis, 19 de octubre de 1940

Nocturno Culto

Parece un Enfield 1917. Lógico al ser Home Guard, lo mas moderno para el Army directamente...
O incluso podrían ser Pattern 1914, es difícil diferenciarlos en una foto como esa.
Lewis y M1917 Enfield. Los SMLE fueron todos al frente.

"Supplies of small arms to the Home Guard improved radically after July 1940, when the active support of US President Franklin Roosevelt allowed the British government to purchase 500,000 M1917 Enfield Rifles and 25,000 M1918 Browning Automatic Rifles from the reserve stock of the US armed forces, but the very limited initial issue of standard Lee-Enfield rifles was withdrawn as the American arms became available, as were some 25,000 Pattern 14 .303 rifles (the British calibre version of the M1917 Enfield) and 60,000 Canadian Ross rifles. The M1917 Enfield rifles were a more modern design than the Lee-Enfield rifles issued to British regular forces, both harder hitting and more accurate, but were heavier and notably less handy to use."
