Video, todos los misiles GMLRS HIMARS son interceptados. Los algoritmos continúan actualizándose a diario.Los GMLR se están convirtiendo menos y menos efectivas medidas preventivas como la dispersión de tiendas de municiones, detección e intercepción de misiles en el aire, depósitos de municiones, etc.
Video, all Himars GMLRS missiles are intercepted. Algorithms continue to be updated on a daily basis. GMLRS are becoming less and less effective, preventive measures such as dispersal of ammunition stores, detection and interception of missiles in the air, ammunition depots, etc.
Apenas tiempo de reaccion entre que se dispara la defensa y que son interceptados
Video, all Himars GMLRS missiles are intercepted. Algorithms continue to be updated on a daily basis. GMLRS are becoming less and less effective, preventive measures such as dispersal of ammunition stores, detection and interception of missiles in the air, ammunition depots, etc.
Intel Slava Z
Video, all Himars GMLRS missiles are intercepted. Algorithms continue to be updated on a daily basis. GMLRS are becoming less and less effective, preventive measures such as dispersal of ammunition stores, detection and interception of missiles in the air, ammunition depots, etc. #info
Apenas tiempo de reaccion entre que se dispara la defensa y que son interceptados