Respectful Hello to you, Sir.
If you were at 5000 mts, and went to afterburners as XM607 turned away and climbed-out of attack profile, did you jettison drop-tanks to pursue him?
Si estas a 5,000 mts y el XM607 (Vulcan) conectara los afterburners alejandose en ascenso luego del ataque...Ustedes no eyectarian los tanques de combustible para perseguirlo???
The reason I'm asking is that I have not seen before now any corroborated/supported information on the Range, endurance, or patrol loiter time of your aircraft, nor any Argentine aircraft of the time, for that matter.
La razon por la cual pregunto esto es que no tengo informacion del rango, autonomia, patrones de patrulla de sus aviones o que aviones tenia la Argentina en esos tiempos.
I had often wondered also, if there was a "line of pursuit" or patrol line that designated the point beyond which you would not continue to pursue an enemy aircraft.
Siempre me pregunto cual sera el limite de persecuacion o limite de patrulla luego del cual no continuarias la persecucion de un avion enemigo
With great respect, and without in any way wishing to bring matters political into the discussion, the news media outside Argentina at the time of the Vulcan attacks portrayed the lack of interception of the Vulcans as somewhere between incompetence and plain good fortune for the British.
I always took that portrayal as media bias/media ignorance.
Con el mayor de los respetos, y sin ningun deseo de discutir politica, pero los medios de informacion fuera de la Argentina dicen que los ataques del Vulcan fueron posibles por la falta de intersepatacion de las fuerzas Argentinas, algo entre incompetencia o simple buena suerte Britanica.
Esa vision de los hechos prefiero tomarlos como ingnorancia de parte de los medios de comunicacion.
Years ago, I knew pilots and aircrew from various airforces, and so have a very basic familiarity with the factors involved in an air-interception.
Anios atras, conoci pilotos y tripulantes de varias Fuerzas Aereas, y tuve una muy basica idea de los factores relevantes en la interceptacion aerea.
Furthermore, the various other actions of the Argentine Air Force during the Malvinas war suggest to me that the personnel were very far indeed from incompetent, when I consider the huge amount of courage it took to air -to-air refuel a Mirage from a Hercules, over water, given the great differences in ias between the two aircraft. It took not only skill, but cojones of steel to achieve a feat like that. An Airforce that can achieve it has very fine people serving in it.
Ademas, varias acciones de la Fuerza Aerea Argentina durante la guerra de Malvians me sugieren que su personal estaba muy lejos de la incomptencia, si consideramos el gran corage que tomo el reabastecimiento de un Mirage desde un Hercules, vuelo sobre el mar y la gran diferencia entre ambos aviones. No solo se necesitan habilidades, sino huevos de acero para lograr esas acciones. Una Fuerza Aerea con esos logros tiene personal muy bueno en sus filas.
I sincerely hope someone is able to translate my English into Spanish for you, because unfortunately I speak very little Spanish, and am only modestly capable in reading it at this stage.
Sinceramente efpero que alguien pueda traducir mi ingles al espaniol, porque desafortunadamente hablo muy poco Espaniol y medestamente puedo leer en esta etapa.
Kind Respects and Regards to you Sir, Uyraell.