Wehrmacht & Waffen-SS

Tres soldados estadounidenses cuidan de un soldado alemán herido, Francia, poco después del desembarco aliado, 1944.
Berlin 1945.
Wehrmacht Her soldiers pose in front of a French FCM-2C heavy tank “PICARDIE” No.92, abandoned by soldiers of ‘1ère Compagnie’ at Piennes, in the Meurthe-et-Moselle area in north-eastern France, late June 1940. Note the soldier on the right is sitting on one of the drive motors.
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Ukrainian volunteer SS-Hauptscharführer Jaroslav Kunitsky, born in 1926, he was one of the youngest officers in the 14th Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS ‘Galicia’ (ukrainische Nr. 1). Kunitsky was one of the 2000 Ukrainian NCOs who were sent to Germany in 1943 to be trained. Note his Ukrainian rampant lion collar tab. Unfortunately there’s is not much info to be found of his military career. Jaroslav Kunitsky survived the war and eventually moved to Toronto, Canada, where he died in 2009.

Soldados austriacos en la Wehrmacht como consecuencia del Anschluss. Austria. 1938.
Soldado Español
Azeri SS volunteers of the ‘Aserbeidschanische Feld-Bataillon I./111’ (part of Kampfgruppe Dirlewanger) on Małachowski Square in the Śródmieście district, during the Warsaw Uprising in Poland. August-September 1944.
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Soviet soldiers drag a few field guns along a muddy road near Leningrad. Russia, 1st November 1941.

Soviet artillery counter fire on German positions during the night. Leningrad, Russia. Early 1944.
A Waffen SS soldier sympathizes with a Russian girl while some locals feed them
German troops walk past a burning village that was set ablaze by retreating soviet forces as part of the scorched earth policy. Ukraine, July 1941.
Two SS soldiers with mg34 machine gun at home, in the winter on the Eastern front.
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Remnants of the Italian army in Russia who managed to breakout from Soviet encirclement, head towards German lines. Russia, late January 1943. Out of about 130,000 Italian troops who got surrounded since the launch of operation little Saturn in December 1942, only 45,000 managed to breakthrough. With the heavy losses on the Eastern front and subsequent axis surrender in North Africa, Mussolini's government would be dissolved in July 1943.

A soviet soldier talks to a Russian boy whose parents were taken away by the retreating Germans as they forced residents of his village to leave their homes during the retreat around the Leningrad area. Russia, January 1944. The child had to use crutches since his feet were frostbitten.

Katyusha, que podía disparar 320 cohetes en 25 segundos,

La foto muestra a las tropas del Ejército Rojo. El significado de la pared detrás de él es;
Berlín se mantendrá alemán
Cuatro de cada cinco soldados alemanes muertos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial murieron en el Frente Oriental
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Untersturmführer Johann Petter Balstad, voluntario noruego del 11º voluntario Panzergrenadier Waffen-SS División "Nordland"

Vidkun Quisling inspects the Norwegian Waffen-SS legion on Leningrad front. October 1942.
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Leviatan, amigo, esto lo debes saber mucho mejor que yo, estos hijos del Nacional Socialimo, criminales sacrificaron al pueblo judio, pero su locura no termino con el olocausto solo de judios, pasaron por las cámaras, gitanos, personas (hoy diríamos con capacidades diferentes).

Como descendientes de vascos, la sufrimos cuando el dictacor Francisco Franco y Baamonde, permitió que bombardearan Guernika, masacrando todo un pueblo, para "Probar" las armas, bombas y Junkers que utilizarían luego en la II guerra, imperdonable https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardeo_de_Guernica ..
https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-39633923 .....

Ya ves, estos hijos de germanía, fueron criminales, impiadosos.-
Un gran abrazo
Frente Oriental, 1941: Un soldado alemán gravemente herido , con heridas visibles en la cabeza, el pecho y las extremidades inferiores, es llevado a la estación de campo por dos compañeros, uno también herido en la cabeza. Las bajas alemanas aumentaron una vez que la batalla con los rusos se calentó. La tendencia continuó sin piedad hasta la destrucción total del ejército alemán en el este.
Soldado Waffen SS herido en el Frente Oriental, 1943.
Francia, 15 de agosto, 1944