ah algunos tienen
ah algunos tienen
mmmNo serían los especializados?
Unas interesantes fotos de bombarderos navales H-6G equipados con el misil supersónico antibuque YJ-12
No les gusta el Vicky, que pasa
Hermoso y Letal...
B-47 performing an Immelmann maneuver.
To minimize the B-47’s exposure to more sophisticated Soviet anti-aircraft defenses and blast effects, in 1955 a toss-bomb technique, or low-altitude bombing system (LABS) was developed. Target ingress with a nuclear weapon was executed at high speed and low altitude. At a predesignated point the aircraft would pull up and, just prior to going vertical, the bomb would be released toward the target. The B-47 would continue performing what is known as an Immelmann maneuver, a half-loop and roll upright heading at high speed away from the target. Several factors, including wing fatigue cracks caused by high-G loading, resulted in the discontinuation of the LABS program in 1959.
del FB de Cold War...