Tucson, el PaveHawk Y el PaveLow son versiones de la USAF, mas modernas y derivadas de BlackHawk y el HH-3C.
Variantes PaveLow:
TH-53A - versión de entrenamiento utilizada por la USAF.
HH-53B - CH-53A usado para búsqueda y rescate.
CH-53C - versión de carga pesada, 22 fueron construidos.
HH-53C - "Super Jolly Green Giant", HH-53B mejorado para la USAF
S-65C-2 (S-65o) - versión de exportación para Austria y luego para Israel.
S-65-C3 - versión de exportación para Israel
YHH-53H - prototipo del Pave Low I
HH-53H - Pave Low II infiltrador nocturno
MH-53H - redesignación del HH-53H
MH-53J - "Pave Low III" conversiones de los HH-53B, HH-53C, et al. para operaciones especiales
MH-53M - "Pave Low IV" MH-53Js mejorados.
Variantes PaveHawK:
HH-60A: Prototype for the HH-60D rescue helicopter. A modified UH-60A primarily designed for combat search and rescue. It is equipped with a rescue hoist with a 200 ft (60.96 m) cable that has a 600 lb (270 kg) lift capability, and a retractable in-flight refueling probe.[7]
HH-60D Night Hawk: Prototype of combat rescue variant for the US Air Force.
HH-60E: Proposed search and rescue variant for the US Air Force.
HH-60G Pave Hawk: Search and rescue helicopter for the US Air Force. UH-60A Credible Hawk were updated to MH-60G Pave Hawk configuration in a two-phase program.
MH-60G Pave Hawk: Special Operations, search and rescue model for the US Air Force. Equipped with long-range fuel tanks, air-to-air refueling capability, FLIR, improved radar. Powered by T-700-GE-700/701 engines.[7]
Maplehawk: Proposed search and rescue version for the Canadian Forces to replace aging CH-113 Labradors.[8] The CF opted for the CH-149 Cormorant instead.
HH-60M : a search and rescue version of UH-60M with a glass cockpit and more powerful engines.