Muy buenos dias a los Señores Foristas que adjuntan sus fotografias ineditas y dificiles...
Una nueva entrega de las mias de la SGM....muchos tripulantes KIAs,aviones averiados y en contra partida el GRAN MEMPHIS BELLE...( como bombardero,a la pelicula la vì muchìsimas veces,un ìcono para los "bombers")
P-51 pilot Maj. George "Spanky" Roberts
A-26 vs Siegfried Line
P-47, Normandy (Coordinando apoyo de fuego)
P-51s out of Ramitelli, Italy
Kingfisher on light cruiser USS Miami
Kingfisher off light cruiser USS Miami
P-38 pilot Dick Bong, highest-scoring US ace with 40 kills, all on P-38's in the Pacific.
He was killed while testing a P-80 jet fighter in Aug 1945
Muroc Field, California
Dauntless plant, El Segundo, California (despues esta planta,serà comprada por Douglas y ahì nacerà el A-4 SKYHAWK)
P-51 pilot George 'Spanky' Roberts (left), Ramitelli, Italy
P-51s, 52nd Ftr Grp
Hellcat flown by Cdr. Joe Clifton, USS Saratoga
A-20 over Allied airfield
A-20 prang, Nome, Alaska en route to USSR
Hellcat, USS Lexington
Japanese defector Lt. Minoru Wada at a B-25 waist position directs US airstrike, Philippines 1944
Link to story-
P-38 gun ranging, every 5th round tracer
B-17 landing
B-24 vs Ploesti refinery
P-40 of 'Aleutian Tigers', pilot Col.John Chennault ( UNA FIGURITA HISTORICA Y DIFICIL!!!!)
Helldiver landing crash, USS Shangri-La. Captions vary but it seems the pilot was killed and the gunner thrown out
VIDEO of the above crash (at 1:02)-
Helldiver ramp strike, USS Shangri-La. I don't think it's the one in the pic above
Avengers and Helldivers attack Hokadate, Japan
Helldivers on Yorktown 1943
B-26 spins in, all crew KIA vs Marzabotto rail bridge, Italy
P-39s, Duxford, England
Postwar Helldivers and Corsairs over USS Franklin D.Roosevelt, Atlantic May 1946
B-24 flak hit near Lugo, Italy. All 11 crew killed, but a weatherman passenger survived
B-17 "Memphis Belle" at Peterson Fld, Ohio on war bond raising tour of America
B-24 raid against Iwo Jima with P-47 escort
P-39 Airacobra at RAF Duxford, England
A-20 raid, two damaged
El verdadero Memphis Belle...
Memphis Belle
B-17, New Guinea
Memphis Belle
B-17 Memphis Belle
P-51s, Iwo Jima
Market Garden
B-17s, Italy
Lockheed Ventura
B-25 vs German supply dump, Tivoli, Italy
B-17s, Pacific