Los F-15QA no tienen significativas diferencias sobre los F-15SA, pero ambos son verdaderos "tope de gama" ya que son los únicos F-15 del mundo equipados con mandos de vuelo FBW, además de radares AESA y de equipos CCME diseñados "a medida".
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The F-15S is based on the F-15E airframe. However, since many of the avionic systems of the USAF F-15E are deemed too sensitive for export, the F-15S for Saudi Arabia were fitted with less-sensitive F-15C/D systems. For example, the F-15S has an APG-70S radar that is "detuned" from the capabilities of the APG-63 of the F-15C/D, and does not have the ability to do computerized ground mapping, It has only 60 %of the bandwidth of the APG-63 and ls limited to only 16 rather than 32 channels. The AWG-27 programmable armament control set was reprogrammed to prevent the carriage of certain weapons systems, and thehands-off automatic terrain following mode was deleted from the ASW-51 autopilot. A ring laser gyro INS was provided, but the military-grade GPS system was eliminated, although the Saudis have added a commercial-grade GPS system. Some senstive ECM systems are replaced with older equipment or are deleted altogether. Saudi Arabia received 48 downgraded versions of the Martin Marietta LANTIRN system known as AAQ-19 Sharpshooter, as well as the AAQ-20 Pathfinder, which is a simplified version of the AAQ-13 Nav Pod. The AAQ-20 is not compatible with the AGM-65 Maverick missile and has some air-to-airfeatures deleted. The electromagnetic countermeasures suite is considerably less-capable than that provided for the USAF F-15E and deliberately "downgraded".