Nose si ponerlo en esta seccion esta mal o bien, o si esta de mas el treath(si esta mal borrenlo) pero es un asunto que nos incumbie a todos los argentinos
Estimados Moderadores y foristas, quisiera saber como sugerencia de ustedes sobre una opinion que tiene un moderador de un foro de otro pais con respecto a nuestras Fuerzas Armadas.Es decir, como puede responder al insulto de esa persona para no ser sancionado si es que un dia me registro en ese foro. No es un insulto hacia mi persona sino hacia nuestro pais y hacia nuetros soldados que murieron ahi. Y como argentino quiero responderle pero no se mucho ingles
Miren como miente y humilla a nuetros pilotos poniendo esto. Y no es la primera vez sino ya van varias y hace ponernos en ridiculo frente a los demas paises ya que es un foro internacional
The valour and professionalism if the Argentine air forces is beyond doubt, and had the had better equipment and leadership they could have been more effective, however against the levels of training and skill demonstrated by the RN/RAF air crew flying the Sea Harriers (yes, despite being RN aircraft the aircrew were from both services) they were completely outclassed. Although the acquisition of the AIM-9L model of the sidewinder by the UK is always used by the Argentines as an excuse for their heavy losses, the fact is that their aircrew just weren't in the same league and would have still suffered heavy air-to-air losses.
Had the Argentine Navy been able to operate A-4/Super Etendard from the ARA 25 de Mayo it would have caused a very short term problem, but there is no doubt whatsoever that had the carrier remained in theatre any longer, it would have joined the ARA General Belgrano many fathoms down as there were three RN SSNs operating in the area one of which would have undoubtedly have sunk her PDQ.
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Estimados Moderadores y foristas, quisiera saber como sugerencia de ustedes sobre una opinion que tiene un moderador de un foro de otro pais con respecto a nuestras Fuerzas Armadas.Es decir, como puede responder al insulto de esa persona para no ser sancionado si es que un dia me registro en ese foro. No es un insulto hacia mi persona sino hacia nuestro pais y hacia nuetros soldados que murieron ahi. Y como argentino quiero responderle pero no se mucho ingles
Miren como miente y humilla a nuetros pilotos poniendo esto. Y no es la primera vez sino ya van varias y hace ponernos en ridiculo frente a los demas paises ya que es un foro internacional
The valour and professionalism if the Argentine air forces is beyond doubt, and had the had better equipment and leadership they could have been more effective, however against the levels of training and skill demonstrated by the RN/RAF air crew flying the Sea Harriers (yes, despite being RN aircraft the aircrew were from both services) they were completely outclassed. Although the acquisition of the AIM-9L model of the sidewinder by the UK is always used by the Argentines as an excuse for their heavy losses, the fact is that their aircrew just weren't in the same league and would have still suffered heavy air-to-air losses.
Had the Argentine Navy been able to operate A-4/Super Etendard from the ARA 25 de Mayo it would have caused a very short term problem, but there is no doubt whatsoever that had the carrier remained in theatre any longer, it would have joined the ARA General Belgrano many fathoms down as there were three RN SSNs operating in the area one of which would have undoubtedly have sunk her PDQ.
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