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Bushmaster dijo:Es evidente por que Rumple ha citado dichos paises, es eviodente para cualquiera que tenga un minimo de cultura que dichosd paises son los mas inmteresados de luchar contra el terrorismo de caracter islamista por que lo sufren y porque tienen la capacidad de afrontarlo.
Hattusil dijo:Por un lado, extraños compañeros de juerga seria esta hipotética coalición. Rusia, EEUU; China, India. ¿Cómo entre ellos se van a entender? Cuando los intereses políticos, económicos y hasta territoriales entre ellos están permanentemente en el tapete??
Hoy Israel ataca discriminadamente un país, con el pretexto de acabar con una célula guerrillera.
Rumplestilskin dijo:No. Hoy Israel se defiede de una agresión que comenzó con el asesinato de 8 de sus soldados y el secuestro de dos, seguido con ataques de cohetes sobre sus ciudades.
Rumplestilskin dijo:Manual básico de la lucha anti-guerrilla: cortar su aprovisionamiento.
Rumplestilskin dijo:Y eso es lo que se ha hecho aquí: Aislar el líbano de sus proveedores: Siria e Irán pricipalmente.
Iran is to supply the Islamic Resistance - the armed wing of the Lebanese Shi'ite Party of God (Hizbullah) - with a quantity of surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems over the coming months, Western diplomatic sources have confirmed to Jane's.
According to the sources, Tehran will supply Hizbullah with Russian-produced SAMs, including the Strela-2/2M (SA-7 'Grail'), Strela-3 (SA-14 'Gremlin') and Igla-1E (SA-16 'Gimlet') man-portable SAM systems.
Iran is also understood to have agreed to deliver its own version of the Chinese QW-1 man-portable low- to very-low-altitude SAM system - the Mithaq-1- developed by the Iranian Defence Ministry's Shahid Kazemi Industrial Complex in Tehran.
Iran launched a mass production line for an advanced variant, the Mithaq-2 - believed to be a short-range passive infra-red SAM - on 6 February. Both variants, believed to be based on Chinese technology, are understood to have been made available for Hizbullah.
However, Jane's understands that Hizbullah already has Iranian-supplied Strela 2s in its inventory
Israel Air Force sources say that their platforms, most notably helicopters, have encountered Strela-2 fire throughout the current conflict. Senior Israel Defence Force sources told Jane's that they believe that Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps personnel, in support of Hizbullah, were involved in these launches.
"My mission was to prevent armored Israeli reinforcements from chasing after the kidnappers," Hussein Ali Suleiman, a Hizbullah operative captured by the IDF, said when describing his role in the kidnapping last month of reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.
Suleiman, 22, was captured several days ago by troops from the Golani Brigade operating in the southern Lebanese village of Ayta A Shayeb. Officers said that the operation was not related to the Hizbullah operative, who they said, surrendered to the troops after he realized that he was completely surrounded. Suleiman, a high-ranking officer revealed Monday, was part of the 100-man force that participated in the cross-border kidnapping on July 12.
A commander of an anti-tank rocket cell, Suleiman did not cross the border into Israel, but was part of an outer-envelope force that the Hizbullah deployed to prevent Israeli reinforcements from chasing after the abductors. Suleiman did not provide any new information regarding the condition of the Israeli soldiers being held by the Hizbullah.
Senior military officials stressed this week however that the IDF was working according to the assumption that both Goldwasser and Regev were still alive and were being held in Lebanon. Last week, Special Forces conducted a raid in Baalbek in the Beka Valley deep in Lebanon following information that the kidnapped soldiers were treated in a hospital in the area.
In a videotaped segment of Suleiman's interrogation released on Monday by Military Intelligence, the Hizbullah operative revealed how he was recruited into the guerrilla group in 2000 and how he participated in a religious "brainwashing" seminar following which he was sent to Iran for tactical warfare training. He said that he was trained how to use a number of weapons, in the use of explosives and first aid.
The Golani Brigade, Suleiman told his interrogator, was respected by the Hizbullah and was referred to by the guerrilla group as a "group of soldiers well-trained in warfare and military tactics." July's cross-border attack was not the first time Suleiman participated in a Hizbullah attempt to abduct Israeli soldiers. He told his interrogator that he was also part of a guerrilla force that attacked an IDF outpost in the northern village of Rhajar last November. "The main goal was to abduct soldiers," Suleiman said of the failed attempt in Rhajar. "But the secondary goal of striking Israeli outposts was achieved."
Taru77 dijo:Vamos por partes a ver desde iniciado el debate e visto estimado Rumplestilskien una posición intransigente a favor de Israel como si todo fuese justificable y en una guerra no todo es justificable y perdonable.
Tomemos el ejemplo al reves que pasaría si Israel secuestra 2 soldados y mata a 8 militares Libaneses usted estaría de acuerdo que el Líbano realizase exactamente lo mismo para procurar el rescate de los 2 soldados y asegurar que no se produzcan nuevos acontecimientos bombardeando todo un país.? Me gustaría su respuesta sobre este punto respondiendo específicamente y no desvirtuando.
Comparar este conflicto con el actual no es justificación. Primero Los cristianos Maronitas colaboran con Hezbollah.? El sector cristiano estaba infiltrado por Hezbollah.? escucho a algún miembro del Gabinete Israelí aseverar este punto.? por que se bombardea la parte Cristiana que tiene que ver en el conflicto.
En toda guerra hay reglas humanitarias usted cree que Israel cumple minimamente estas reglas, permite la ayuda humanitaria?, garantiza minimamente un alto el fuego para que Cruz Roja , Media Luna Roja etc puedan realizar minimamente un trabajo humanitario. Por favor responda.
Lamentablemente la política internacional de EE.UU (o será al reves duda que tengo) sienta un presedente nefasto y propenso a este tipo de Guerras preventivas sin ningún miramiento en sus consecuencias que indudablemente acrecientan el conflicto en vez de calmarlo.
Por último Israel reclama que El Líbano cumpla la resolución de la ONU por la que se comprometía a desarmar a Hezbolla, al tiempo que incumple por lo menos con 46 resoluciones del consejo de seguridad.
La Corte Internacional de La Haya condenó a Israel a desmantelar el muro que encierra al pueblo palestino e indemnizar a los palestinos y puso en manos de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas (donde EEUU no tiene veto) tomar medidas contra su construcción y derribar lo construido sobre tierras palestinas confiscadas. la Corte Internacional de La Haya, dependiente de la ONU, condenó la valla que Israel está construyendo y exhortó a su desmantelamiento.