The aircraft was developed on the basis of the AN-74.
The aircraft provides maritime patrol and detection of the trespassers within the coast area around-the-clock in VFR and IFR weather conditions.
Besides, the equipment of the cargo compartment (of the 7 m length) allows to perform:
• air drop of
22 para-troopers with the personal weapon and equipment;
• transportation of
44 soldiers with personal weapons and equipment;
• transportation of
16 stretcher cases (camillas) accompanied by a medical attendant;
• transportation of ammunition, physical and technical resources of a total weight up to
10,000 kg.
Ahhhh y sirve para la Antártida! :rofl:
El "porqué" se lo puede considerar APTO para el Asalto Aéreo: (maniobrabilidad, STOL) Fijense en el aterrizaje!!!
Y si no nos alcanza la capacidad de carga del AN-72/74... ANTONOV tiene otro modelito más... más... cómo decirlo... MAS! Aunque no podría catalogarse como un avión de transporte MEDIO, ... sino MEDIO INMENSO!